vldolganov / webChatGolang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Need .env file for google auth:





signUp | localhost:8000/auth/sign-up | method: POST | accepts: login(not null), first_name, last_name, email(not null), 
password(not null), avatar | return: json object with id and other fields 

signIn | localhost:8000/auth/sign-in | method: POST | accepts: login, password | return: json object with id and 
other fields

logOut | localhost:8000/auth/logout | method: GET | no accepts | return cleared cookie

googleLogin | localhost:8000/auth/google-login | method: GET | no accepts | redirect to google-callback

googleCallback | localhost:8000/auth/google-callback | method: GET | no accepts | return jsonObj with email, first_name,
last_name and id

getUsersList | localhost:8000/user/list | only for auth user | method: GET | return full users list in JSON objects
from database

editUser | localhost:8000/user/list  | only for auth user | method:PUT | accepts : email or avatar or login 
or all of this fields | return updated fields 

getUserInfo | localhost:8000/user/ | only for auth user | method:GET | accepts auth user id | 
return only auth user info

sendMessage | localhost:8000/chat/ | only for auth user | method:POST | accepts:from user id(from cookie) and toUserId(consumer user)
| return JSON obj with msg id, owner id and consumer id

for start project type this command in terminal go run main.go



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