vlashchanka / tsc-ui

TSC UI is a tool to get analytics of your Typescript project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



TSC UI is a tool to monitor in realtime your typescript project quality.

It is based on the original tsc compiler and uses it in the background in watch mode to collect issues and return back to the console.

Currently available features:

  • could show diagnostics messages list
  • calculate the number of affected files
  • calculate the number of unique error codes in the project
  • open the problematic file in the VSCode by clicking on the file path
  • find in Google the error code explanation by clicking on the error code number
  • works in watch mode and updates automatically the dashboard
  • battle-tested on a real project with 350+ diagnostics messages
  • you could have any port for the dashboard using argument
  • you could have any project path to the tsconfig.json using argument
  • has zero dependencies on installation, except Typescript itself as peer dependency and Tailwindcss with Fontawesome loaded as external links
  • allows overriding of used tsconfig options by passing default tsc cli flags default command line TSC options, e.g. run tsc-ui --strict to run compiler in strict mode


For local install: npm install tsc-ui or yarn add tsc-ui

For global install: npm install -g tsc-ui or yarn global add tsc-ui

Note: you should have typescript as dependency or have it installed globally, as tsc-ui requires it as peer dependency.


Run tsc-ui in terminal in the typescript project directory.

Diagnostics page

In this page you could find current problems in your codebase.

Bonus features:

  • you could click on the file path and it will open it in VSCode
  • you could click on the error code to find it's explanation in Google


Project Status page

In this page you could get your overall project analytics



By default, ./tsconfig.json is used and port 3000 is taken for tsc-ui-dashboard.

You could override the tsconfig path and port of the dashboard service:

--config=../../tsconfig.dev.json --port=4242

Use cases

You may, e.g. need this tool in case you want to have a dashboard reporting status with different tsconfig options than you have in the project.

Just run with --strict flag tsc-ui --strict to run compiler in strict mode and monitor the errors.


TSC UI is a tool to get analytics of your Typescript project


Language:HTML 40.3%Language:Svelte 34.1%Language:TypeScript 16.3%Language:JavaScript 9.0%Language:Shell 0.3%