vladostan / kaggle-telegram-notifier

Simple script that notifies you when Kaggle kernel submission completes using Telegram

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The code requires pytz, pysocks, pyTelegramBotAPI and Kaggle API to be installed
The code was tested with Python 3.6.9

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to configure your Kaggle API Credentials as described here if you haven't done it before.

You also need to create own Telegram Bot to get its token. This is one of many instructions available online.


Change the following parameters inside notifier.py:

TOKEN = '1234567890:ABCDEFGHIJ' # Your telegram bot token
CHAT_ID = 1234567890 # Your chat id with bot
COMPETITION = 'landmark-recognition-2020' # Kaggle Competition Name

For now pyTelegramBotAPI is configured to work without proxy. If you want to use proxy, change the following parameters:

PROXY = True
IP = '' # Proxy IP
PORT = '1080' # Proxy Port

There are also few parameters that you could change:

TIME_START_MONITOR_GAP = 30 # Timestep for refreshing your submissions list before new submission appears

Run the script:

$ python notifier.py

The program will continuously monitor your submissions list. When new submission appears, you will receive the Telegram notification. After the submission ending you will receive the Telegram message as well. The program also outputs message to terminal, because sometimes Telegram services may not work or proxy may fail. For now, the program can monitor submissions for only ONE competition.

Notification example

Competition: landmark-recognition-2020
Submission name: sample submission
Submission id: 12345678
Submission url: https://www.kaggle.com/user/sample-submission?scriptVersionId=12345678
Submission status: pending
Submission start time: 2020-09-15 20:34:39 UTC
Competition: landmark-recognition-2020
Submission name: sample submission
Submission id: 12345678
Submission url: https://www.kaggle.com/user/sample-submission?scriptVersionId=12345678
Submission status: complete
Submission public score: 0.1234
Submission finish time: 2020-09-15 20:55:13 UTC
Submission runtime: 1234 seconds


Simple script that notifies you when Kaggle kernel submission completes using Telegram


Language:Python 100.0%