vladmandic / onetrain

Wrapper for amazing OneTrainer

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OneTrainer Wrapper

Wrapper for amazing OneTrainer by @nerogar
With uniform logging and progress reporting
Can be used as a command line tool or as a Python module


All configuration defaults are stored in templates.py and common ones can be overriden using args
Default configuration is for LoRA training for SDXL with 100 epochs using scheduler:cosine and optimizer:prodigy

Mandatory params are only concept and input
Plus command do you want to run caption or train or both

If you want to use different starting defaults, you can specify config json file using config flag

onetrain.py performs python import of actual OneTrainer modules,
so if they are not in the same folder, specify onetrainer path
All operations are native, there are no shell executes

Temp location if not specified is SYSTEM_TEMP_FOLDER/onetrain
Log if not specified will be stored in SYSTEM_TEMP_FOLDER/onetrain/onetrain.log


  • Creates OneTrainer config files in temp location using template and with specified overrides
  • If output location is not selected, it will also be in temp location
  • Kicks off training
  • Maintains info object with all updates about training in progress
  • Cleans up config metadata and stores it in the output model


  • Creates txt files next to each image file in input dataset
  • Adds concept name as initial tag
  • Appends general description using BLIP2 model
  • Appends detailed tags using WD14 model

Usage: CLI

python onetrain.py --help

  --concept CONCEPT           concept name
  --input INPUT               folder with training dataset
  --model MODEL               stable diffusion base model
  --train                     run training
  --caption                   run captioning
  --onetrainer ONETRAINER     path to onetrainer
  --author AUTHOR             train author to be included in metadata
  --resume                    resume training from last backup
  --config CONFIG             use specific onetrainer config file
  --type {sd,sdxl}            model type
  --log LOG                   specify log file
  --output OUTPUT             specify output location
  --epochs EPOCHS             number of training epochs
  --accumulation ACCUMULATION gradient accumulation steps
  --optimizer OPTIMIZER       training optiomizer
  --scheduler SCHEDULER       training scheduler
  --rank RANK                 lora rank
  --alpha ALPHA               lora alpha
  --batch BATCH               training batch size
  --backup BACKUP             create n training backups
  --save SAVE                 save n intermittent steps
  --resolution RESOLUTION     training override resolution
  --bias                      use bias correction
  --triton                    use triton
  --te                        train text encoder
  --tmp TMP                   training temp folder
  --nopbar                    disable progress bar


python onetrai.py --caption --train --model ./sdxl.safetensors --concept alla --input ./dataset --author vladmandic --batch 4 --onetrainer ~/code/onetrainer --epoch 200

18:13:16-346173 INFO     onetrain
18:13:16-347604 INFO     log: /tmp/onetrainer/onetrain.log
18:13:16-348139 INFO     args: ...
18:13:18-818323 INFO     caption: model=blip2 path=/home/vlado/dev/onetrainer/dataset
caption blip ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:04 0:00:00 21/21 images
18:22:58-622108 INFO     caption: model=wd14 path=/home/vlado/dev/onetrainer/dataset
caption wd14 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:09 0:00:00 21/21 images
18:23:22-665608 INFO     concept: alla samples=21 path=/home/vlado/dev/onetrainer/dataset buckets={'1024x934': 1, '1024x820': 4, '1024x846': 1, '1024x819': 3, '1024x913': 1, '1024x823': 2, '1024x821': 2, '1024x826': 1, '1024x576': 1, '1024x924': 1, '1024x866': 1, '1024x949': 1, '1024x909': 1, '1024x1024': 1}
18:23:23-076770 INFO     config: file=/tmp/onetrainer/config.json
18:23:23-077715 INFO     concepts: name=alla file=/tmp/onetrainer/concept.json
18:23:23-079219 INFO     samples: file=/tmp/onetrainer/samples.json
18:23:23-079914 INFO     method=LORA type=STABLE_DIFFUSION_XL_10_BASE
18:23:23-080537 INFO     model=sdxl.safetensors
18:23:23-081757 INFO     train: init
18:23:23-082280 INFO     update: loading the model
18:23:25-700114 INFO     update: running model setup
18:23:28-127638 INFO     update: creating the data loader/caching
18:23:28-129684 INFO     optimizer=PRODIGY scheduler=COSINE rank=32 alpha=16.0 batch=4 accumulation=1 epochs=200
18:23:28-130432 INFO     train: start
18:25:38-805663 INFO     update: saving
train ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:20:42 0:00:00 step: 800 epoch: 201/200 batch: 0 samples: 4 its: 0.64
18:44:06-031347 INFO     update: saving the final model
18:44:06-748128 INFO     save: /tmp/onetrainer/alla.safetensors
18:44:06-748807 INFO     train: completed

Usage: Module

import onetrain

args = onetrain.TrainArgs() # create config object
args.concept = 'alla'
args.onetrain = '~/code/onetrainer'
args.input = './dataset'
args.model = './sdxl.safetensors'
args.epochs = 200
args.batch = 4

onetrainer.caption(args) # start captioning
onetrainer.train(args) # start training
onetrainer.log(onetrain.info) # info object contains real-time information about training that can be monitored

or if you want to use it async so your app can do other things and monitor progress

import threading
import onetrain

args = onetrain.TrainArgs() # create config object
args.concept = 'alla'
args.onetrain = '~/code/onetrainer'
args.input = './dataset'
args.model = './sdxl.safetensors'
args.nopbar = True

thread = threading.Thread(target=onetrain.train, args=(args,))
while thread.is_alive():


Wrapper for amazing OneTrainer

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%