vladkens / ecloop

πŸ”πŸ’» ecloop: A high-performance, CPU-optimized tool for computing public keys on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, with features for searching compressed & uncompressed public keys and customizable search parameters.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A high-performance, CPU-optimized tool for computing public keys on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, with features for searching compressed & uncompressed public keys and customizable search parameters.



  • 🍏 Fixed 256-bit modular arithmetic
  • πŸ”„ Group inversion for point addition operation
  • πŸ‡ Precomputed table for points multiplication
  • πŸ” Search for compressed & uncompressed public keys (hash160)
  • 🌟 Utilizes SIMD for optimized sha256 (uses SHA extensions, both ARM and Intel)
  • 🍎 Works seamlessly on MacOS and Linux
  • πŸ”§ Customizable search range and thread count for flexible usage


git clone https://github.com/vladkens/ecloop.git && cd ecloop


Usage: ecloop <cmd> [-t <threads>] [-f <filepath>] [-a <addr_type>] [-r <range>]

  add - search in given range with batch addition
  mul - search hex encoded private keys (from stdin)

  -t <threads>     - number of threads to run (default: 1)
  -f <filepath>    - filter file to search (list of hashes or bloom fitler)
  -a <addr_type>   - address type to search: c - addr33, u - addr65 (default: c)
  -r <range>       - search range in hex format (example: 8000:ffff, default all)
  -o <fielpath>    - output file to write found keys (default: stdout)

Example 1: Check keys in given range (sequential addition)

-f is filter file with hash160 to search. Can be list of hex encoded hashes (one per line) or bloom fitler (must have .blf extension). -t use 4 threads. r – start:end of search range. -o file where found keys should be saved (if not provided stdout fill be used). No -a option provided, so c (compressed) hash160 will be checked.

ecloop add -f data/btc-puzzles-hash -t 4 -r 800000:ffffff -o /tmp/found.txt

Example 2: Check given privkeys list (multiply)

echo privkeys.txt – source of HEX encoded priv keys to search (can be file or generator program). -f – hash160 to search as bloom filter (can have false positive results, but has a much smaller size; eg. all BTC addresses ever used have size ~6GB). -a – what type of hash160 to search (c – compressed, u – uncopressed, cu check both). -t use 8 threads.

echo privkeys.txt | ecloop mul -f data/btc-puzzles.blf -a cu -t 8


Get performance of different function for single thread:

ecloop bench

Should print output like:

     _ec_jacobi_add1: 6.52M it/s ~ 0.92s
     _ec_jacobi_add2: 5.26M it/s ~ 1.14s
     _ec_jacobi_dbl1: 5.42M it/s ~ 1.11s
     _ec_jacobi_dbl2: 7.57M it/s ~ 0.79s
       ec_jacobi_mul: 0.02M it/s ~ 0.57s
       ec_gtable_mul: 0.29M it/s ~ 1.73s
       ec_affine_add: 0.30M it/s ~ 1.67s
       ec_affine_dbl: 0.30M it/s ~ 1.69s
   _fe_modinv_binpow: 0.20M it/s ~ 0.51s
   _fe_modinv_addchn: 0.31M it/s ~ 0.32s
              addr33: 4.95M it/s ~ 1.01s
              addr65: 4.41M it/s ~ 1.14s


This project is written to learn the math over elliptic curves in cryptocurrencies. Functionality as a search for Bitcoin Puzzles is added as a real-world use case.

See also


πŸ”πŸ’» ecloop: A high-performance, CPU-optimized tool for computing public keys on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, with features for searching compressed & uncompressed public keys and customizable search parameters.

License:MIT License


Language:C 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%