vladimir-dejanovic / graphql-to-rescue


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GraphQL to rescue

this is code example for my talk What limitations and problems of REST API can be solved by GraphQL

Environment on my machine :)

  • Apache Maven 3.5.2
  • Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK

Issue 1 - No spec & documentation not up to date

Let us open code in init directory

We have no spec or documentation, so only thing we have is code.

Let us investigate what we have here.

Open pom

We have here Spring Boot app with dependencies

  • Web
  • JPA/H2

Find controller

  • here we see all end points that we expose over REST API and how response look like if we follow code
  • also we can see the full structure of code, since code isn't that big.

In case Code base is much bigger it wouldn't be so easy or fun to go this way.

Solution to Issue 1

  • add dependencies for graphql (uncomment them from pom.xml)
<!--  GraphQL -->

<!-- Dev Only -->
<!-- GraphQL end -->

Add schema to schema.graphqls

type Attendee {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

type Speaker {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    twitter: String

type Talk {
    id: ID!
    # this is comment for title
    title: String!
    description: String

type Query {
    allTalks: [Talk]
    allSpeakers: [Speaker]
    allAttendees: [Attendee]
    allTalksForSpeaker(speakerId: Int) : [Talk]

schema {
    query: Query

Add Query resolver

package xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.graphql;

import com.coxautodev.graphql.tools.GraphQLQueryResolver;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Attendee;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Speaker;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Talk;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.service.AttendeeService;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.service.SpeakerService;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.service.TalkService;

import java.util.List;

public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {

    TalkService talkService;

    SpeakerService speakerService;

    AttendeeService attendeeService;

    public List<Talk> allTalks() {
        return talkService.findAll();

    public List<Speaker> allSpeakers() {
        return speakerService.findAll();

    public List<Attendee> allAttendees() {
        return attendeeService.findAll();

    public List<Talk> allTalksForSpeaker(Long speakerId) {
        return talkService.findAllTalksBySpeakerId(speakerId);


Let us build the code and check result

In browser hit http://localhost:8080/graphiql

request all talks

query {
  allTalks {

request all speakers

query {  
  allSpeakers {

request all attendees

query {  
  allAttendees {

request all talks for speaker

query {
  allTalksForSpeaker(speakerId:1) {
  • There is validation happening of all input queries and responses, they need to match schema, so there is no wayt that code and schema are out of sync.
  • Schema is mandatory so it has to be present.
  • Schema is in the same time documentation, so it is also always present.

End result of code can be found in graphql-0.1 directory.

Issue 2 - client & server not in sync

In case of GraphQL this isn't the issue due to specification. On init connection client will get spec from server and will not event sent incorrect requests according to specification.

Issue 3 - Over fetching fetching

Solved by default by GraphQL

query {
  allTalks {

Issue 4 - Under fetching

In case we want to show Speaker details and also details about speaker talks, we need to make multiple calls to backend or we need to add new entry point that would return this specific combination. With GraphQL we can solve this in an easy way.

Update graphql schema

type Speaker {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    twitter: String
    talks: [Talk]

update java code

Let us add new resolver

package xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.graphql;

import com.coxautodev.graphql.tools.GraphQLResolver;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Speaker;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Talk;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.service.TalkService;

import java.util.List;

public class SpeakerResolver implements GraphQLResolver<Speaker> {

    TalkService talkService;

    public List<Talk> talks(Speaker speaker) {
        return talkService.findAllTalksBySpeaker(speaker);

and now we can have query like

query {
  allSpeakers {
    talks {

End result of code can be found in graphql-0.2 directory.

Issue 5 - naming conventions

Automatically solved by GraphQL

query {
  speakers:allSpeakers {
    talks {

Issue 6 - different type of data in same request

update GraphQL Schema

union Any = Speaker | Talk

type Query {
    allTalks: [Talk]
    allSpeakers: [Speaker]
    allAttendees: [Attendee]
    allTalksForSpeaker(speakerId: Int) : [Talk]
    allAny: [Any]

Update java

public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {


    public List<Object> allAny() {
        List list = speakerService.findAll();
        List list2 = talkService.findAll();


        return list;


Test solution

query {
  allAny {
    ... on Speaker {
    ... on Talk {

we can also use fragments in query

query {
  allAny {
    ... on Speaker {

fragment testFragment on Talk {

if we need info about type we can get it in this way

query {
  allAny {
    ... on Speaker {

fragment testFragment on Talk {

End result of code can be found in graphql-0.3 directory.

Issue 7 - sharing of similar data between resources

update GraphQL Schema

interface Human {
    name: String!

type Attendee implements Human {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

type Speaker implements  Human {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    twitter: String
    talks: [Talk]

type Query {
    allTalks: [Talk]
    allSpeakers: [Speaker]
    allAttendees: [Attendee]
    allTalksForSpeaker(speakerId: Int) : [Talk]
    allAny: [Any]
    allHumans: [Human]

Update Java

We can add interface if we want to

package xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo;

public interface Human {
    public String getName();
public class Attendee implements Human{
public class Speaker implements Human {
public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {


    public  List<Human> allHumans() {
        List list1 = speakerService.findAll();
        List list2 = attendeeService.findAll();


        return list1;


Test solution

query {
  allHumans {
    ... on Speaker {
    ... on Attendee {

End result of code can be found in graphql-0.4 directory.

Issue 8 - Status Code/Error

Solved by specification

Issue 9 - Streaming data

update GraphQL Schema

type Score {
    talk: String
    score: Int

type Subscription {
    scoreForTalk(talk: String): Score

schema {
    query: Query
    subscription: Subscription

Update Java Code

update pom.xml with new dependency


Add pojo for Score

import lombok.Data;

public class Score {

    private String talk;
    private int score;

Add subscription resolver

package xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.graphql;

import com.coxautodev.graphql.tools.GraphQLSubscriptionResolver;
import io.reactivex.BackpressureStrategy;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.observables.ConnectableObservable;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import xyz.itshark.conf.talk.graphqltorescue.pojo.Score;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class Subscription implements GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {

    public Publisher<Score> scoreForTalk(String talk) {
        Observable<Score> observable = Observable.create( e -> {
            ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
            executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
                Score score = new Score();
                score.setScore((int) Math.floor(Math.random()*10));
            }, 0, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        ConnectableObservable connectableObservable = observable.share().publish();
        return connectableObservable.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER);


Test Solution

hit http://localhost:8080/graphiql

subscription {
  scoreForTalk(talk: "my talk") {

End result of code can be found in graphql-0.5 directory.



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%