vlade0520 / tb-aws

Repository for the terraform code to build a Tranquility Base AWS Landing Zone

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AWS Landing Zone - Tranquility Base


Landing zone solution helps to save time by re-using best practices for AWS cloud. Multi-account strategy is an enabler of secure and scalable workloads providing:

  • Identity and access management
  • Governance
  • Data security
  • Robust networking
  • Logging


Organization, organizations units and accounts


Core Organization Unit and its core components anatomy

Core Accounts

Generic account anatomy

Generic Member Account

Account Creation in LZ

There are different approaches for accomplish this however we consider that one of the most effective is AVM (Account Vending Machine) for the following reasons:

  • Isolates - It can be deployed as a separate and individual workload
  • Decoupled - There is no dependency with the LZ however it depends on other AWS Services
  • Repeatable - Each account is a template and can be applied over different accounts, useful for mid-size companies that divide groups in more than one account.
  • Easy for modify - Based on clear phases applied over an account it is easy to modify the process, however we must be careful due to different version of baseline account can drive to vulnerabilities (*).

Some of the pitfalls that we found are:

  • Add or remove in a tailored fashion components is not part of the main use cases. That mean after you got it is hard to change it.
  • AWS dependencies on Cloud Formation and Service Catalog. There is no alternative for replacing those using this approach.
  • Currently Control Tower can do it however baseline accounts will differ so we can be in the scenario described before (*).

There are different flavors on implementations but all have point described above in common.


Current Network Infrastructure

Generic Member Account

Exploed Network View

Generic Member Account

Sandbox Account VPC

Generic Member Account


IaC Development


Directory Structure

├── terraform               
│   ├── main.tf                             [RO File Autogenerated] Entry point for Terraform
│   ├── variables.tf                        [RO File Autogenerated] Variables in TF
│   ├── output.tf                           [RO File Autogenerated] Outputs in TF
│   ├── implementations             
|   |    ├── imports.txt                    Reference of all files to be merged.
│   |    └── core
│   |         ├── security                  Directory will security elements 
│   |         |    └── security-*-.tf       
│   |         ├── logarchive                Directory will logarchive elements 
│   |         |    └── logarchive-*-.tf       
│   |         ├── sharedservices            Directory will sharedservices elements 
│   |         |    └── sharedservices-*-.tf       
│   |         ├── network                   Directory will network elements 
│   |         |    └── network-*-.tf       
│   |         ├── *-template.tf            Files to be used as modules instanciations 
│   |         ├── *-variables.tf           Files to be used as modules variables
│   |         └── *-outputs.tf             Files to be used as modules outputs
│   └── modules                            Module dirctory where you can have modules and submodules
│       ├── organizations
│       ├── common                         Services modules use by other services
│       │    ├── s3
│       │    └── iam
│       ├── config
│       └── guard-duty
├── automation
│    ├── cicd                                (CI/CD scripts)
│    │   ├── terraform-pre-run.py       
│    │   ├── prepare.sh
│    │   └── provision.sh      
│    ├── credentials                         (Credentials generated and used by scripts)
│    └── deploy                              (Deployment scripts)
└── config
     └── main.config.yml                    Main configuration

Local / Remote Execution sequence steps

1 - Export your environment variables to be used by terraform

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[your access ID ]
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[your secret key]

2- Execute pre run in which all files are going to be merged

python3 automation/cicd/terrraform-pre-run.py

3- Execute terraform initialization command

terraform init ./terraform

4- Execute terraform plan command

terraform plan ./terraform

5- Execute terraform plan command

terraform apply ./terraform

Coding standards and naming conventions

  • Read carefully names used in AWS LZ and try to follow the same convention.

  • Modules has to represent a module in our application.

  • Modules promotes reusability and are part of building pattern if you think that your module cannot be part of a module or your module will not be generic enough please discuss first doing any implementation of it.

  • Modules with submodules is allowed but make sure if that module has to be tied with main module and not be part of more generic / common service if more than one module use it.

  • Each template must have a header with a reference of what is instantiating in that block of code and it dependencies.

  • Inner modules variables generic because can be used in differents intantiations

  • Outter variables uses by templates must to be very specific to make reference to what is being store on them.

  • Module required variables must match with Provider API values not provided can be default.

  • All resources in which provider accept tags must follow our tagging convention

  • Naming for resouces in modules are the following

    aws_lz_[sub-element]_[custom implementation]
  • Naming for module instance is more specific to give context of it using

        module "aws_lz_organizations_ou_core" {
  • Tags conventions must to be provided in all AWS element that support them.

    • ProjectID Project ID
    • Environment Environment in which that componets was created
    • AccountID Account ID
    • Key Name Key name to identify that item in the cloud

    Make sure to respect names and case


Module Reference

Module Completeness Documentation
cloudtrail WIP README
security WIP README
extension WIP README
guarddutty WIP README
organizations WIP README
security WIP README
transit-gateway WIP README

Module dependencies

Module common shared-services organizations security config


Repository for the terraform code to build a Tranquility Base AWS Landing Zone


Language:HCL 80.6%Language:Python 15.9%Language:Shell 2.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Smarty 0.5%