vlade0520 / envoy_control

Sample Envoy control plane 'hello world'

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Envoy control plane "hello world"

A couple of weeks ago i wanted to program and understand how the control plane for Envoy Proxy works. I know its used in various comprehensive control systems like Istio and ofcourse at Lyft.

This repo/article describes a sample golang control plane for an Envoy Proxy. It demonstrates its dynamic configuration by getting a specific predetetermined setting set push to each proxy at runtime.

That is, once Envoy is started, it reads in an empty configuration which only tells it where the control plane gRPC server exists.

After connecting to the control plane, it receives configuration information to setup an upstream cluster and listener set. The specific listener and cluster is trivial: it merely proxies a request for https://www.bbc.com/robots.txt, then after a minute, it will update the envoy config to proxy for www.yahoo.com/robots then finally after another minute, blog.salrashid.me.

To run this sample, you need to install golang and Envoy binary itself.

As a bonus, the control plane also launches an Access Log gRPC service. This service will receives access log stats dirctly from the proxy. Setting up the access log is not the primary focus of this article but I'll describe it in the appendix.

Note: much of the code and config i got here is taken from the Envoy integration test suite

NOTE: this repo uses the control API sas of: docker pull envoyproxy/envoy:v1.12.2

Additional Reading



Start Control Plane

go run src/main.go

Which should startup the control plane, access log service and REST->gRPC gateway (the latter again not in scope of this article)

$ go run src/main.go 
INFO[0000] Starting control plane                       
INFO[0000] gateway listening HTTP/1.1                    port=18001
INFO[0000] access log server listening                   port=18090
INFO[0000] management server listening                   port=18000

The code is almost entirely contained in src/main.go which launches the control plane and proceeds to setup a static config to proxy to a set of /robots.txt files from three sites:

[]string{"www.bbc.com", "www.yahoo.com", "blog.salrashid.me"}

Every 60 seconds, the host will rotate over which means for the first 60 seconds, you'll see the robots.txt file from bbc, then yahoo then google.

Note, we increment the snapshot version number and the host as well:

$ go run src/main.go 
INFO[0000] Starting control plane                       
INFO[0000] gateway listening HTTP/1.1                    port=18001
INFO[0000] access log server listening                   port=18090
INFO[0000] management server listening                   port=18000
INFO[0003] OnStreamOpen 1 open for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster 
INFO[0003] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0003] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=1
INFO[0003] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating cluster service_bbc  with  remoteHost%!(EXTRA string=www.bbc.com) 
INFO[0003] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating listener listener_0 
INFO[0003] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating snapshot Version 1 
INFO[0003] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0003] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=1
INFO[0003] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0004] OnStreamOpen 2 open for                      
INFO[0007] OnStreamOpen 3 open for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Listener 
INFO[0007] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0007] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0007] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=3
INFO[0007] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0063] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating cluster service_bbc  with  remoteHost%!(EXTRA string=www.yahoo.com) 
INFO[0063] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating listener listener_0 
INFO[0063] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating snapshot Version 2 
INFO[0063] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0063] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=4
INFO[0063] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0063] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=4
INFO[0063] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0063] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0123] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating cluster service_bbc  with  remoteHost%!(EXTRA string=blog.salrashid.me) 
INFO[0123] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating listener listener_0 
INFO[0123] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating snapshot Version 3 
INFO[0123] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0123] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0123] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=6
INFO[0123] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=6
INFO[0123] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0123] OnStreamRequest   

You can review the code to see how the structure is nested and initialized.

If you just set the value to bbc and not iterate, the code will behave as if bbc.yaml config file was passed to envoy:

Create Cluster

		ctx := context.Background()
		config = cache.NewSnapshotCache(mode == Ads, Hasher{}, logger{})

		srv := xds.NewServer(ctx, config, cb)
		atomic.AddInt32(&version, 1)
		nodeId := config.GetStatusKeys()[1]

		var clusterName = "service_bbc"
		var remoteHost = "www.bbc.com"

		nodeId := config.GetStatusKeys()[0]

		var clusterName = "service_bbc"
		var remoteHost = v

		log.Infof(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating cluster %v  with  remoteHost", clusterName, v)

		hst := &core.Address{Address: &core.Address_SocketAddress{
			SocketAddress: &core.SocketAddress{
				Address:  remoteHost,
				Protocol: core.SocketAddress_TCP,
				PortSpecifier: &core.SocketAddress_PortValue{
					PortValue: uint32(443),
		uctx := &envoy_api_v2_auth.UpstreamTlsContext{}
		tctx, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(uctx)
		if err != nil {

		c := []cache.Resource{
				Name:                 clusterName,
				ConnectTimeout:       ptypes.DurationProto(2 * time.Second),
				ClusterDiscoveryType: &v2.Cluster_Type{Type: v2.Cluster_LOGICAL_DNS},
				DnsLookupFamily:      v2.Cluster_V4_ONLY,
				LbPolicy:             v2.Cluster_ROUND_ROBIN,
				LoadAssignment: &v2.ClusterLoadAssignment{
					ClusterName: clusterName,
					Endpoints: []*envoy_api_v2_endpoint.LocalityLbEndpoints{{
						LbEndpoints: []*envoy_api_v2_endpoint.LbEndpoint{
								HostIdentifier: &envoy_api_v2_endpoint.LbEndpoint_Endpoint{
									Endpoint: &envoy_api_v2_endpoint.Endpoint{
										Address: hst,
				TransportSocket: &core.TransportSocket{
					Name: "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
					ConfigType: &core.TransportSocket_TypedConfig{
						TypedConfig: tctx,

Create Listener

		var listenerName = "listener_0"
		var targetHost = "www.bbc.com"
		var targetRegex = ".*"
		var virtualHostName = "local_service"
		var routeConfigName = "local_route"

		log.Infof(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating listener " + listenerName)

		v := v2route.VirtualHost{
			Name:    virtualHostName,
			Domains: []string{"*"},

			Routes: []*v2route.Route{{
				Match: &v2route.RouteMatch{
					PathSpecifier: &v2route.RouteMatch_Regex{
						Regex: targetRegex,
				Action: &v2route.Route_Route{
					Route: &v2route.RouteAction{
						HostRewriteSpecifier: &v2route.RouteAction_HostRewrite{
							HostRewrite: targetHost,
						ClusterSpecifier: &v2route.RouteAction_Cluster{
							Cluster: clusterName,
						PrefixRewrite: "/robots.txt",

		manager := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
			CodecType:  hcm.HttpConnectionManager_AUTO,
			StatPrefix: "ingress_http",
			RouteSpecifier: &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig{
				RouteConfig: &v2.RouteConfiguration{
					Name:         routeConfigName,
					VirtualHosts: []*v2route.VirtualHost{&v},
			HttpFilters: []*hcm.HttpFilter{{
				Name: wellknown.Router,

		pbst, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(manager)
		if err != nil {

		var l = []cache.Resource{
				Name: listenerName,
				Address: &core.Address{
					Address: &core.Address_SocketAddress{
						SocketAddress: &core.SocketAddress{
							Protocol: core.SocketAddress_TCP,
							Address:  localhost,
							PortSpecifier: &core.SocketAddress_PortValue{
								PortValue: 10000,
				FilterChains: []*listener.FilterChain{{
					Filters: []*listener.Filter{{
						Name: wellknown.HTTPConnectionManager,
						ConfigType: &listener.Filter_TypedConfig{
							TypedConfig: pbst,

Commit Snapshot

		snap := cache.NewSnapshot(fmt.Sprint(version), nil, c, nil, l, nil)
		config.SetSnapshot(nodeId, snap)

Start Envoy Proxy

Now start the envoy proxy with the baseline configurtion. Note, the config only tells envoy where to find the control plane (in this case,

Acquire envoy binary 1.14.3:

docker cp `docker create envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.3`:/usr/local/bin/envoy .

At this point /tmp/envoybin/envoy is a binary of version 1.14.3

Run envoy:

$ /tmp/envoybin/envoy -c baseline.yaml  -l debug
  access_log_path: /dev/null
      port_value: 9000

    api_type: GRPC
    - envoy_grpc:
        cluster_name: xds_cluster
      api_type: GRPC
      - envoy_grpc:
          cluster_name: xds_cluster
      set_node_on_first_message_only: true
      api_type: GRPC
      - envoy_grpc:
          cluster_name: xds_cluster
      set_node_on_first_message_only: true
  cluster: service_greeter
  id: test-id
  - connect_timeout: 1s
    - socket_address:
        port_value: 18000
    http2_protocol_options: {}
    name: xds_cluster
    type: STATIC

You can verify the cluster was dynamically added in by viewing the envoy admin console at http://localhost:9000. A sample output of that console:


Access endpoint thorough proxy

Now you can use curl to access the robots.txt file on the upstream host thrrough the proxy. You're alble to do this now because the control plane dynamically configured a cluster, listenr and upstream for you on bootstrap.

Sample output


$ curl -v  localhost:10000/
Warning: Setting custom HTTP method to HEAD with -X/--request may not work the 
Warning: way you want. Consider using -I/--head instead.
*   Trying ::1...
* connect to ::1 port 10000 failed: Connection refused
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 10000 (#0)
> HEAD /robots.txt HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:10000
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< server: envoy
< last-modified: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 02:18:01 GMT
< etag: "363-56a01f2964840"
< cache-control: max-age=3600, public
< content-type: text/plain
< content-length: 867
< accept-ranges: bytes
< date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 03:22:48 GMT
< via: 1.1 varnish
< age: 4812
< x-fastly-cache-status: HIT-STALE
< x-served-by: cache-sin18028-SIN
< x-cache: HIT
< x-cache-hits: 11
< x-timer: S1524712968.404276,VS0,VE0
< vary: Accept-Encoding
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 220

Control Plane

$ go run src/main.go 
INFO[0000] Starting control plane                       
INFO[0000] gateway listening HTTP/1.1                    port=18001
INFO[0000] access log server listening                   port=18090
INFO[0000] management server listening                   port=18000
INFO[0043] OnStreamOpen 1 open for                      
INFO[0043] OnStreamOpen 2 open for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster 
INFO[0043] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0043] open watch 1 for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster[] from nodeID "test-id", version "" 
INFO[0043] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=1
INFO[0043] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating cluster service_bbc 
INFO[0043] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating listener listener_0 
INFO[0043] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating snapshot Version 1 
INFO[0043] respond open watch 1[] with new version "1"  
INFO[0043] respond type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster[] version "" with version "1" 
INFO[0043] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0043] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=1
INFO[0043] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0043] open watch 2 for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster[] from nodeID "test-id", version "1" 
INFO[0043] OnStreamOpen 3 open for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Listener 
INFO[0043] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0043] respond type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Listener[] version "" with version "1" 
INFO[0043] OnStreamResponse...                          
INFO[0043] cb.Report()  callbacks                        fetches=0 requests=3
INFO[0043] OnStreamRequest                              
INFO[0043] open watch 3 for type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Listener[] from nodeID "test-id", version "1" 

Envoy Proxy

$ envoy -c baseline.yaml
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.259][158107][info][main] source/server/server.cc:178] initializing epoch 0 (hot restart version=9.200.16384.127.options=capacity=16384, num_slots=8209 hash=228984379728933363)
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.262][158107][info][upstream] source/common/upstream/cluster_manager_impl.cc:128] cm init: initializing cds
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.263][158107][info][config] source/server/configuration_impl.cc:52] loading 0 listener(s)
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.263][158107][info][config] source/server/configuration_impl.cc:92] loading tracing configuration
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.263][158107][info][config] source/server/configuration_impl.cc:119] loading stats sink configuration
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.263][158107][info][main] source/server/server.cc:353] starting main dispatch loop
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.266][158107][info][upstream] source/common/upstream/cluster_manager_impl.cc:356] add/update cluster service_bbc
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.338][158107][info][upstream] source/common/upstream/cluster_manager_impl.cc:132] cm init: all clusters initialized
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.338][158107][info][main] source/server/server.cc:337] all clusters initialized. initializing init manager
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.343][158107][info][upstream] source/server/lds_api.cc:60] lds: add/update listener 'listener_0'
[2018-04-25 20:22:10.343][158107][info][config] source/server/listener_manager_impl.cc:583] all dependencies initialized. starting workers


The following config emits access_logs for upstream systems to your own endpoint.

The accesslog config is taken fron the test suite resource.go given by the accesslog.proto.

Basically, when you configure a listener, you can configure a target to emit access_logs as shown below.

The sample service provided in this sample also starts a gRPC service implementing AccessLogService.

# Base config for an ADS management server on 18000, admin port on 19000
  access_log_path: /tmp/admin_access.log
      port_value: 9000

  cluster: service_greeter
  id: test-id

  - name: listener_0
      socket_address: { address:, port_value: 10000 }
    - filters:
      - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
          stat_prefix: ingress_http
          codec_type: AUTO
            name: local_route
            - name: local_service
              domains: ["*"]
              - match: { prefix: "/" }
                route: { host_rewrite: www.bbc.com, cluster: service_bbc, prefix_rewrite: "/robots.txt" }
          - name: envoy.router
          - name: envoy.http_grpc_access_log 
                    cluster_name: accesslog_cluster
                log_name: accesslog
  - name: accesslog_cluster
    connect_timeout: 2s
    - socket_address:
        port_value: 18090
    http2_protocol_options: {}

  - name: service_bbc
    connect_timeout: 2s
    type: LOGICAL_DNS
    dns_lookup_family: V4_ONLY
    lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
    hosts: [{ socket_address: { address: bbc.com, port_value: 443 } } ]
    tls_context: { sni: www.bbc.com }

Equivalent yaml configuration

The following yaml is equivalent static configurtion to what main.go does and is provided so you can compare how it gets initialized in code.

To run this config, pass --onlyLogging switch to the control plane

$ envoy -c logs.yaml

and then the control plane (which also starts the access_log server)

$ go run src/main.go --onlyLogging
INFO[0000] Starting control plane 
INFO[0000] access log server listening                   port=18090

and access the listener on

$ curl -vk http://localhost:10000/robots.txt

you should see access_logs emitted to on the same stdout as before:

$ go run src/main.go --onlyLogging
INFO[0000] Starting control plane                       
INFO[0000] access log server listening                   port=18090
INFO[0005] AccessLog:  [accesslog2018-04-25T23:46:40-07:00] www.bbc.com /robots.txt https 200 3f1305d5-3616-400c-a352-93b99ff2af18 service_bbc 
INFO[0006] AccessLog:  [accesslog2018-04-25T23:46:41-07:00] www.bbc.com /robots.txt https 200 afc0ef05-feb8-4acc-beca-46c8c894eada service_bbc 
INFO[0008] AccessLog:  [accesslog2018-04-25T23:46:43-07:00] www.bbc.com /robots.txt https 200 59b53195-c0b7-47c9-a1c5-b86d3d5c1253 service_bbc 
INFO[0009] AccessLog:  [accesslog2018-04-25T23:46:45-07:00] www.bbc.com /robots.txt https 200 7cabd456-1fc1-4294-8c67-c4a6e7e4bd23 service_bbc 


I wrote this primarly just to understand how envoy works..As this is the first time i've configured and worked through the structures within Envoy, its very likely i've missed some construct or concept. If you see anythign amiss, please drop me a line and I'll correct it.


Sample Envoy control plane 'hello world'

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%