vkulikov / pipelines-model-serving

Implementation of Model serving in pipelines

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pipelines Machine Learning Examples

This project contains two example pipelines:

  1. Judge the quality of wine using models that are served within a streamlet process.
  2. Make product recommendations using models that are served as a service using Kubeflow.


InfluxDB Setup

Wine scoring results are written to InfluxDB, as an example of a downstream consumer. If you don't want to setup Influx, change wineblueprint.conf to remove the influx-raw-egress.in and influx-result-egress.in from the connections section of the blueprint.

First Install the Influx DB CLI

brew install influxdb

Make sure you are connected to the kubernetes cluster and run the command below to install InfluxDB

helm install stable/influxdb --name influxdb --namespace influxdb

Port forward to access InfluxDB locally

kubectl port-forward --namespace influxdb $(kubectl get pods --namespace influxdb -l app=influxdb -o jsonpath='{ .items[0].metadata.name }') 8086:8086

Connect to influxDB and create Database

influx -execute 'create database wine_ml' -host localhost -port 8086

Setup Kubeflow

Kubeflow is used for the recommender example.

Instructions - TBD

Build and Deploy Ml Pipeline

Verify blueprint:

sbt verifyBlueprint

Build the project:

sbt buildAndPublish

Get the image name and tag:

docker images

Deploy the Project, setting TAG_NAME for your Docker image:

kubectl pipelines deploy docker-registry-default.gsa2.lightbend.com/lightbend/model-serving-pipeline:$TAG_NAME

kubectl pipelines deploy docker-registry-default.gsa2.lightbend.com/lightbend/ml-serving-pipeline:$TAG_NAME \
  raw-egress.InfluxHost="influxdb.influxdb.svc" \
  raw-egress.InfluxPort="8086" \
  raw-egress.InfluxDatabase="wine_ml" \
  influx-result-egress.InfluxHost="influxdb.influxdb.svc" \
  influx-result-egress.InfluxPort="8086" \


The wine data is inspired by this data source: https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/red-wine-quality-cortez-et-al-2009

Copyright (C) 2019 Lightbend Inc. (https://www.lightbend.com).


Implementation of Model serving in pipelines

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%