vkuchinov / watersheds

data visualisation based on liquid simulation

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Watersheds: Two Visualizations of User-Submitted Text Using HTML/JavaScript

Water Ripples & Breaking [Tidal] Waves Visualisations Based on D3.JS & LiquidFun.JS*


click on top of this screenshot to see video ⇪


click on top of this screenshot to see video ⇪


	<text><![CDATA[Hello Canada!]]></text>



  "name" : "columns", "children" : [
  { "name" : "locations", "children" :
  { "id" : 0, "name" : "Canada", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 1, "name" : "Toronto", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 2, "name" : "Ottawa", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 3, "name" : "Oakville", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 4, "name" : "Montreal", "visible" : true }
  { "name" : "topics", "children" :
  { "id" : 5, "name" : "#health", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 6, "name" : "#culture", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 7, "name" : "#ecology", "visible" : false }
  { "name" : "questions", "children" :
  { "id" : 8, "name" : "Tell us your vision about mental health?", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 9, "name" : "Tell us your vision for 2034?", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 10, "name" : "What is your wish for clean water?", "visible" : true },
  { "id" : 11, "name" : "What is your wish for 2017?", "visible" : true }


Pink: #F59DAE Green: #92CA70 Teal: #6AC5B3 Blue: #397BA3
Red: #D43D31 Orange: #F19436 Black: #241F1F Yellow: #ECBE42
Brown: #815A3D Purple: #925E8E


click on top of this screenshot to see video ⇪

click on top of this screenshot to see video ⇪


Foam could be potentially visualised by splitting node into a pack of subparticles or, it's better to say,
a flock due it should be controlled by classical Boids algorithm.

There is a danger that in terms of visual communications, because this foamy flock could be considered as several nodes, however it could visually engaging.


January 10th, 2017

[!] D3Renderer.bulletTime() function
[x] D3Renderer.updateData() function
[x] D3Renderer.highlightNode(system_, id_) function

timelapse() should be actually custom easing transition for experimenting on the edge of still and motion. There is a good example of D3.js easing, however we have to do our own method very close to exponential growth. See https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/248bac3b8e354a9103c4 [expIn, backIn, expInOut, backInOut] or https://github.com/d3/d3-ease

expIn > exponential growth > x{t}=x{0}(1+r)^{t}, where r is a growth rate, e.g. r = 5% = 0.05 per interval
backIn > anticipatory easing > x{t}=1-(1 - t)

It seems that there are only 230 items at http://research.tigweb.org/wishes/raw.html by now or script is limiting it to this number. Have to sort it out, because for now I need a least several thousands for testing.
For now, I have copy-pasted same elements locally, although it would be better to work with real XML data from your server.

January 11th, 2017

[x] predefined color palette, by names or as array
[!] Timer() function for bulletTime()

January 12th, 2017

[!] each moving object should have composite speed parameter { step: f/θ, interval: t, ratio: μ }
[!] Ripple() function for <i>ripples concept</i>
[!] Generator() function

January 13th, 2017

[-] fully functional 'ripples' mock-up
[x] all bulletTime() concept have to be done on native D3.js transitions rather on my own class and methods

Developing my own paradigm of time controll was a waste of time. Instead of this I shoud use native D3 transitions.

//method(d3_element, {"r" : 32, "cx" : width/2... }, {"r" : 128, "cx" : 0, ... }, millis, "exp" or any D3 easing, true/false)
//where parameters could be any set of attrbutes

function setBulletTime(object_, parameters0_, parameters1_, duration_, type_, loop_){

  && Object.keys(parameters0_).every(function(v,i) { return v === Object.keys(parameters1_)[i]})) {

  .each("end", function(d) { if(loop_) { setBulletTime(object_, parameters0_, parameters1_, duration_, type_, loop_); } else { this.remove(); } } );

  } else { console.log("Oooops, something wrong!"); }


  function removeBulletTime(object_, parameters_){ object_.transition(); }

January 15th, 2017

//method(d3_element, {"r" : 32, "cx" : width/2... }, {"r" : 128, "cx" : 0, ... }, millis, "exp" or any D3 easing, true/false)
//where parameters could be any set of attrbutes

function setBulletTime(object_, parameters0_, parameters1_, duration_, type_, loop_){

  && Object.keys(parameters0_).every(function(v,i) { return v === Object.keys(parameters1_)[i]})) {

  .each("end", function(d) { if(loop_) { setBulletTime(object_, parameters0_, parameters1_, duration_, type_, loop_); } else { this.remove(); } } );

  } else { console.log("Oooops, something wrong!"); }


  function removeBulletTime(object_, parameters_){ object_.transition(); }

Adult literate people don't read by the character. They do that only for foreign languages in the first stages of learning that language, and even that mostly for languages using a script very different from the languages they do know (as an English speaker would for Arabic, but not for German). Otherwise the word registers in the brain as a whole, pretty much immediately. Perhaps for the word "encyclopedia" it would take longer than for the word "ant", but the difference is a matter of milliseconds at best, and probably not even that. Also, it's both extremely subjective (based on how frequently that person uses that word) and extremely difficult to measure.

According to Wikipedia the average reading speed from coumputer/tablet screen(English) is ~160-180 words per minute [wpm]. Let's say that comfortable rate would be even smaller — 120 wpm.

By now there are around 240 wishes available for analyses.

The minimal length is 8 characters or 2 words. [filtered empty wishes]
Average wish is 152 characters or 24 words.
The biggest message is 1402!!! characters or 228 words!!! [looks like anomaly]

There are several issues that I would like to see resolved within my lifetime, much earlier than 150
years from now, but I will discuss two. The number one issue that needs immediate attention is
the unacceptable conditions of Indigenous communities across the country.
Today, we still have many communities struggling with epidemics of youth suicide and domestic violence,
substance abuse, a vast lack of employment opportunities, among many other issues.
Culminating in the height of the emergency status that many Indigenous communities and individuals
have existed in for decades is the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous women - an issue that
I relate to, to an extent, as a young, racialized, female survivor of sexual assault.
My feelings on the topic of Indigenous issues in our country are so powerful that I believe
we need to actively work towards reconciliation and solutions as soon as possible, in order
to be a genuine global leader on social justice issues. The second issue I find most pressing in Canada,
vital to change within 150 years, is electoral reform. Our current First-Past-The-Post system is outdated,
limited, and unfair to the diversity of issues and interests that communities have throughout the country.
A move away from such a system that encourages strategic voting will ensure that our key democratic processes
are renewed and that our votes start to truly count.

Looks like a small essay. Is it real or a 'stress-test' mock-up?

So, if we are dealing with average, in 20 seconds (1/3 of minute) we could confortably
show up to 5 wishes.

Ideally, there should be extended analyses algorithm for calculating showing time for every
single wish based on its content length.

January 17th, 2017

[x] timeStretching function

January 18th, 2017

[x] Basically I've lost several days solving glitchy behaivour. Don't be lazy to double check for variable type.
  It seems that D3 has some problems with taking String to numbers smoothly.

  if you're using debugging console, don't be shy to do it like this

  console.log(variable + " " + typeof variable)

  because if you see 1.234 it doesn't mean that you're dealing with number.

January 19th, 2017

[x] applying categories

  There are 10 categories as well as there are 10 colors, so I could suggest
  that I should keep the same order Inclusivity>pink ... Personal>black

  var categories = [

  {id: 1, en: "Inclusivity & Accessibility", fr: "Inclusivité et accessibilite"},
  {id: 3, en: "Cultural & Historical Conservation", fr: "Conservation culturelle et historique"},
  {id: 5, en: "Environmental Sustainability", fr: "Viabilité de l’environnement"},
  {id: 7, en: "Human Rights", fr: "Droits humains"},
  {id: 9, en: "Physical & Mental Health", fr: "Santé physique et mentale"},
  {id: 11, en: "LGBTQ2A Rights", fr: "Droits LGBTQ2A"},
  {id: 13, en: "Political Representation", fr: "Représentation politique"},
  {id: 15, en: "New Canadian & Immigration Integration", fr: "Intégration canadienne et immigration"},
  {id: 17, en: "Indigenous Rights", fr: "Droits autochtones"},
  {id: 19, en: "Personal & Community Development", fr: "Développement de soi et de la communauté"}


January 20th, 2017

[!] Two modes: self-running/autonomous [for projecting] & interactive [for users]
    ?type=rippling/tidal & mode="autonomous/interactive

autonomous: shows node by node information automatically interactive: user could click on desired node to get its information.

In both cases, old nodes would be replaced with new ones automatically with only two parameters timeinterval/number of nodes to replace.

January 21th, 2017

[x] Eliminate bugs on window resizing, make it 100% stable and proof.
[x] Add DAT.GUI.js or controlKit.js for adjusting parameters
[-] Fully integrate bulletTime() for both visualization

Let's say we have updates every 20 seconds. By this time visualisation shoud behave like slow-mo movie, stretching only a few second movement along this interval.

But, with a little trick — it wouldn't be a linear slow-motion, but with exponential or anticipatory easing, making scene still-like but with rapid and smooth transition to next step at the end of each period.

I hope it will work well, otherwise we should switch to less spectacular series of stills.

January 27th, 2017

[x] polynomial regression for smoothing motions

	function Polynomial(data_, time_, order_) {

	    this.get = function(value_){

		var output = a[0];

		for(var  i = 1; i < n; i++){ output += a[i] * Math.pow(value_, i); }

		return output;


	    this.create2DArray = function(size_) {

		var arr = [];

		for (var i = 0; i < size_; i++) { arr[i] = []; }
		return arr;


	    this.create1DArray = function(size_) {

		var arr = [];

		for (var i = 0; i < size_; i++) { arr[i] = 0.0; }
		return arr;


	    var a;

	    var EPSILON = 1E-4;
	    var n, N;

	    var x, y, X, Y, B;

	    if(data_.length != time_.length) { console.log("polynomial: Oooops, bad inputs!"); }

		n = order_; 
		N = data_.length;

		x = [data_.length];
		y = [data_.length];

		for(var i = 0; i < data_.length; i++){

		    x[i] = data_[i];
		    y[i] = time_[i];


		X = [2 * n + 1]; 

		for (var i = 0; i < 2 * n + 1; i++) {

		    X[i] = 0.0;
		    for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) { X[i] += Math.pow(x[j], i); }


		//normal matrix (augmented)
		B = this.create2DArray(n + 2); 
		a = this.create1DArray(n + 1);

		for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (var j = 0; j <=n ; j++) { B[i][j] = X[i + j]; }}  

		Y = [n + 1];              

		for (var i = 0; i < n + 1; i++){

		    Y[i] = 0.0;
		    for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {  Y[i] += Math.pow(x[j], i) * y[j]; }


		for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) { B[i][n + 1] = Y[i]; }  


		for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){

		    for (var k = i + 1; k < n; k++){

			if (B[i][i] < B[k][i]) {

			    for (var j = 0; j <= n; j++) {

				tmp = B[i][j];
				B[i][j] = B[k][j];
				B[k][j] = tmp;


		for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){

		    for (var k = i + 1; k < n; k++){ 

		    t = B[k][i] / B[i][i];
		    for (var j = 0; j <= n; j++) { B[k][j] -= t * B[i][j]; }



		for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                        

		    a[i] = B[i][n]; 

		    for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (j != i)  { a[i] -= B[i][j] * a[j]; } }

		    a[i] /=  B[i][i];



  &quot;TEXT&quot; > en: “TEXT” or fr: «TEXT»

  var fr = ["«", "»"];
  var en = ["“", "”"];
  var quotes = (language_ == "en") ? en : fr;
  text_ = text_.replace(/&quot;/g, function() { var q = quotes[i]; i = 1 - i; return q; });


?limit=value desired amount of wishes from beginning



[-] planning, [!] in progress, [x] done

* - with KD-Tree optimisation


data visualisation based on liquid simulation


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