.NET Beer tracking app for iOS, Android and Windows Phone backed by Azure
BeerDrinkin is a cloud-enabled, C# powered Beer tracking app built using Xamarin and Windows Azure. It is designed to showcase both Xamarin's cross-platform capability and the magic of using Azure Mobile Services. The project is still actively being developed with a rich set of features being added on a regular basis.
If you want to learn more about the project then make sure to check out the Wiki
- Traditional style iOS
- Azure backend (.NET based)
- Xamarin.Forms for Android & Windows Phone
- Native Mac Client (Xamarin.Mac)
- MVC Website
- Machine Learning
BeerDrinkin uses a number of open source projects:
- BreweryDB .NET library
- Akavache
- Polly
- Acr.UserDialogs
- [Xam.Plugins.Settings] (https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/Xamarin.Plugins/tree/master/Settings)
- Xam.Plugins.Connectivity
Want to contribute? Great!
BeerDrinkin is built entirley in C# which makes it extremely easy to get started. Grab a copy of the project and start tweaking, fixing bugs and adding new features. I'll happily accept pull requests so don't be shy!
The long term aim is to swap out Xamarin.Forms for a beautiful material design Android app and a UWP for Windows. If someone jumps at the chance to build one of these then we can skip the Forms version and go straight to Xamarin.Android and UWP.
- Write Unit and UI Tests
- Bug fixing
- Completing iOS app
- Forms version of app (for first release)
- Rethink user signups (currently syncing users emails to all devices, which isn't ideal)
- Machine learning (lots of ideas for this)
- .NET based website implement features of app
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the project and get your suggestions. Feel free to drop me an email at mike@xamarin.com or tweet at me @MikeCodesDotNET