vkarpov15 / mongoose-unique-array

Plugin to handle `save()` with `unique` in arrays

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mongoose plugin for enforcing unique constraints in arrays


Requires mongoose >= 4.10.0. Do not use with mongoose 3.x.

const arrayUniquePlugin = require('mongoose-unique-array');


Basic Example

If you set the unique property to true on a schema path, this plugin will add a custom validator that ensures the array values are unique before saving.

    const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
      arr: [{ type: String, unique: true }],
      docArr: [{ name: { type: String, unique: true } }]

    // Attach the plugin to the schema
    const M = mongoose.model('Test', schema);

    M.create({}, function(error, doc) {
      doc.docArr.push({ name: 'test' });
      doc.save(function(error) {
        doc.save(function(error) {
          // MongooseError: Duplicate values in array `arr`: [test,test]
          assert.ok(error.errors['arr'].message.indexOf('Duplicate values') !== -1,

Why a Separate Plugin?

In mongoose, unique is not a validator, but a shorthand for creating a unique index in MongoDB. The unique index on arr in the previous example would prevent multiple documents from having the value 'test' in arr, but would not prevent a single document from having multiple instances of the value 'test' in arr.

    const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
      arr: [{ type: String, unique: true }]

    // Do *not* attach the plugin
    // schema.plugin(arrayUniquePlugin);
    const M = mongoose.model('Test2', schema);

    // Since `unique` creates an index, need to wait for the index to finish
    // building before the `unique` constraint kicks in.
    M.on('index', function(error) {
      M.create({ arr: ['test'] }, function(error, doc) {
        doc.save(function(error) {
          // No error! That's because, without this plugin, a single doc can have
          // duplicate values in `arr`. However, if you tried to `save()`
          // a separate document with the value 'test' in `arr`, it will fail.

Caveat With push()

This plugin attaches a custom validator to handle duplicate array entries. However, there is an additional edge case to handle: calling push() on an array translates into a $push in MongoDB, so if you have multiple copies of a document calling push() at the same time, the custom validator won't catch it. This plugin will surface a separate error for this case.

    const M = mongoose.model('Test');

    // Create a document with an empty `arr`
    M.create({}, function(error, doc) {
      // Get 2 copies of the same underlying document
      M.findById(doc, function(error, doc1) {
        M.findById(doc, function(error, doc2) {
          // `push()` and `save()` on the first doc. Now `doc2` is out of date,
          // it doesn't know that `doc1` pushed 'test'.
          doc1.save(function(error) {
            doc2.save(function(error) {
              // Because of plugin, you'll get the below error
              // VersionError: No matching document found for id "59192cbac4fd9871f28f4d61"


Plugin to handle `save()` with `unique` in arrays

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%