vjache / imxnet

Go interactive with MXNet in docker.

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Interactive with MXNet

Docker Pulls Docker Stars

NOTE: the manually build version with more features is now moved to guoq/imxnet-manual.


MXNet is a famous open source deep learning framework. Setting up the environment to run MXNet is a little bit complicated. Thanks to Kaixhin's images, we can use MXNet with Docker without such pain.

To further satisfiy the lazy (in fact, I spell this word T-A-L-E-N-T) guys who want to play with MXNet more cosily, for example, with kitematic UI controls or with jupyter (F/K/A ipython notebook) to work in a browser rather than a terminal, as myself, I build this repository.

This repository is based on kaixhin/mxnet and I will be looking at the CUDA versions soon.


  • Interactive with ipython.
  • Directly access the amazing deep learning tools right within a browser, with jupyter.
  • Compatible with kitematic where you can run and maintain the container in a snap. Open your



Currently, I have just pushed the develop tag.

  1. with kitematic

    If you are using kitematic, select this tag and create a container than everything is OK.

  2. with a command line

    If you are using command line, just pull with this tag:

docker pull guoq/imxnet:develop and run it with exposed ports published. And the workspace binded to a host directory:bash docker run -d -P -v $(pwd):/root/workspace --name=imxnet guoq/imxnet:develop Use `port` to find the port of your `jupyter` service:bash docker port imxnet ```

If you want to specify the port on the host to be use, the default port for `jupyter` is `8888`. The image use `tini` to inisialize the container and defaultly run `jupyter` by CMD:

jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser ``` Override the command in run to specify yours.

There is a terminal in `jupyter` where you can also interactive the container.

To stop the service, just stop the container:

docker stop imxnet ```


  • Add tmux to allow actually working inside the container.
  • Add an entrypoint script to switch inside mode and outside mode.
  • The entrypoint script should also tackle with the libdc1394 error message.
  • Add your favorite zsh + ohmyzsh + vim.
  • Add different CUDA versions.


Go interactive with MXNet in docker.