viztastic / viztastic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

🔭 I’m currently working on ...

Flow Bench - follow my journey on

🌱 I’m currently learning ...

  • Rust Lang
  • Deno
  • WebGL

🤔 I’m looking for ...

  • Product, Marketing, Tech or consulting gigs to bootstrap my way (I put in 110% into anything I commit to)
  • CTO who appreciates DDD and scalable architecture
  • Engineers
  • Rustaceans
  • Product Designers
  • VCs

💬 Ask me about ...

  • Product
  • Design
  • Startups
  • Tech

📫 How to reach me: ...

⚡ Fun fact: ...

  • I'm not "actually" a dev (I swear!) just know enough to be dangerous :)
