vizeat / gitpo

Utility to manage POEditor connected repositories both manually (CLI) and programmatically

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Small utility to manage translations for POEditor projects linked to GitHub repositories: trigger import/export/sync... webhooks manually or programatically.

This is not a full API client and does not intend to be. For this you should checkout node-poeditor or other solutions.


yarn add gitpo

Add a .gitporc with the followings:

  "API_TOKEN": "<your POEditor API key>",
  "HOOKS": {
    "<projectId>": {
      "IMPORT": "<webhook_url>",
      "SYNC": "<webhook_url>",
      "EXPORT": {
        "fr": "<webhook_url>",
        "en": "<webhook_url>"

The HOOKS need to be defined on POEditor, this is due to a change on POEditor's side which prevent us from building the hooks url or creating them automatically through API calls. Check POEditor WebHooks guide for more information.


CLI Usage

This package provide a CLI powered by Inquirer

? What would you like to do: (Use arrow keys)
❯ View Project Details
  Update Code (POEditor → GitHub)
  Update POEditor (GitHub → POEditor)
  Remove default Translations
  Manage contributors

You'll be able to trigger webhooks from POEditor to run associated actions.

Remove default Translations is a utility to which you need to pass a JSON file path and that will remove values that are the same as the keys. eg:

  "hello world": "hello world",
  "this key will not be cleaned": "because the value is different"

will be turned into

  "hello world": "",
  "this key will not be cleaned": "because the value is different"

As we use gettext based i18n solution and english fallback in our transaltion files, this help remove english fallbacks from our output files when we need to reprocess them.

Programatical Usage

const {
} = require("gitpo");

const languages = await listProjectLanguages(projectId);

// [
//   { name: 'English',
//     code: 'en',
//     translations: 2067,
//     percentage: 100,
//     updated: '2017-11-16T09:14:45+0000' },
//   { name: 'French',
//     code: 'fr',
//     translations: 1456,
//     percentage: 70.44,
//     updated: '2017-11-16T11:33:54+0000' },
// ]


All functions are async and return a Promise.


cleanTranslationJSON(file, override)
Type Param Description
String file is a path to the file to clean
Bool override should override the existing file or not, default to false

Clean JSON translation file of any default value:

  "hello world": "hello world",
  "this key will not be cleaned": "because the value is different"

will be turned into

  "hello world": "",
  "this key will not be cleaned": "because the value is different"

It will create a file next to the input if override is set to false, eg: en.jsonen.clean.json)


Manual trigger of webhooks to update POEditor from a Github repository & vice versa.

Type Param Description
Number projectId The POEditor project id

Run the import_translations webhook on the given project (see: POEdtor Webhook Documentation)


Type Param Description
Number projectId The POEditor project id

Run the sync_terms_and_translations webhook on the given project (see: POEdtor Webhook Documentation)

updateTranslations(projectId, languages)

Type Param Description
Number projectId The POEditor project id
Array languages List of language code

Run the export_terms_and_translations webhook on the given project and languages (see: POEdtor Webhook Documentation)

⚠️ To complete this action, one call per language will be made.


Type Param Description
Number projectId The POEditor project id

List languages for a given project (see: POEdtor API Documentation)

Example of value returned on Promise.resolve

    "name": "English",
    "code": "en",
    "translations": 2067,
    "percentage": 100,
    "updated": "2017-11-16T09:14:45+0000"
    "name": "French",
    "code": "fr",
    "translations": 1456,
    "percentage": 70.44,
    "updated": "2017-11-16T11:33:54+0000"


List projects you can access (see: POEdtor API Documentation)

Example of value returned on Promise.resolve

    "id": 1111,
    "name": "Project Name",
    "public": 0,
    "open": 0,
    "created": "2014-06-06T12:00:00+0000"


Type Param Description
Number projectId The POEditor project id

Get the details of a given project (see: POEdtor API Documentation)

Example of value returned on Promise.resolve

    "id": 1111,
    "name": "Project Name",
    "public": 0,
    "open": 0,
    "created": "2014-06-06T12:00:00+0000"


List contributors to your projects

Example of value returned on Promise.resolve

    "name": "Alice",
    "email": "",
    "permissions": [
        "project": {
          "id": 1111,
          "name": "Project Name"
        "type": "administrator"
    "created": "2014-06-06T12:00:00+0000"
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "permissions": [
        "project": {
          "id": 1111,
          "name": "Project Name"
        "type": "contributor",
        "languages": ["fr", "en"]
    "created": "2014-06-06T12:00:00+0000"

addContributors(email, fullname, projects, languages)

Type Param Description
String email Contributor's email address
String fullname Contributor's fullname
Array projects List of POEditor project id
Array languages List of language code

Add the given contributor to the list of project / language.

⚠️ NOTE: An assumption is made here that may require some changes to support a more general use case:

  • All projects have all the same languages or
  • Poeditor API will ignore addition to non existing languages for a given project

These cases where not tested

⚠️ An API call is made for every language in every project.

removeContributors(email, projects, languages)

Type Param Description
String email Contributor's email address
Array projects List of POEditor project id
Array languages List of language code

Remove the given contributor from the list of project / language.

⚠️ NOTE: An assumption is made here that may require some changes to support a more general use case:

  • All projects have all the same languages or
  • Poeditor API will ignore addition to non existing languages for a given project

These cases where not tested

⚠️ An API call is made for every language in every project.


Format code using the provided yarn fmt command




Utility to manage POEditor connected repositories both manually (CLI) and programmatically

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%