vittoriom / SwiftFilePath

Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CI Status Carthage Compatibility Version License Platform

Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.


Create instance

You can create Path object from String.

let fooDir = Path("/path/to/fooDir")

// You can re obtain String by calling toString.
fooDir.toString() // "/path/to/fooDir"

Get accessible Path from App by factory methods.

// "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>"

// "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Documents"

// "var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Library/Caches"

// "var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/Library/tmp"

Access to other directories and files

//  Get Path that indicate foo.txt file in Documents dir
let textFilePath = Path.documentsDir["foo.txt"]
textFilePath.toString() //  "~/Documents/foo.txt"

//  You can access subdir.
let jsonFilePath = Path.documentsDir["subdir"]["bar.json"]
jsonFilePath.toString() //  "~/Documents/subdir/bar.json"

// Access to parent Path.
jsonFilePath.parent.toString() // "~/Documents/subdir"
jsonFilePath.parent.parent.toString() // "~/Documents"
jsonFilePath.parent.parent.parent.toString() // "~/"
let contents = Path.homeDir.contents!
//  Get dir contents as Path object.
// [
//    Path<~/>, 
//    Path<~/Documents>,
//    Path<~/Library>, 
//    Path<~/tmp>,
// ]

// Or you can use dir as iterator
for content:Path in Path.homeDir { 

Access to file infomation

Check if path is dir or not.

Path.homeDir.isDir // true
Path.homeDir["hoge.txt"].isDir //false

Check if path is exists or not.

// homeDir is exists
Path.homeDir.exists // true

// Is there foo.txt in homeDir ?

// Is there foo.txt in myDir ?

You can get basename of file.

Path.homedir["myDir"]["bar.txt"].basename // bar.txt

You can get file extension.

//  Get all *json files in Documents dir.
let allFiles  = Path.documentsDir.contents!
let jsonFiles = allFiles.filter({$0.ext == "json" })

You can get more attributes of file.

let jsonFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.json"]
jsonFile.attributes!.fileCreationDate()! // 2015-01-11 11:30:11 +0000
jsonFile.attributes!.fileModificationDate()! // 2015-01-11 11:30:11 +0000
jsonFile.attributes!.fileSize() // 2341

File operation

Create ( or delete ) dir and files.

// Create "foo" dir in Documents.
let fooDir = Path.documentsDir["foo"]

//  Create empty file "hoge.txt" in "foo" dir.
let hogeFile = fooDir["hoge.txt"]

// Delete foo dir

Copy ( or move ) file.

let fooFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.txt"]
let destination = Path.tmpDir["foo.txt"]
fooFile.copyTo( destination )

Write ( or read ) string data.

// Write string.
let textFile = Path.documentsDir["hello.txt"]

// Read string.
let text = textFile.readString()! // HelloSwift

Write ( or read ) binary data.

//  Write binary data.
let binFile = Path.documentsDir["foo.bin"]
binFile.writeData( NSData()  )

// Read  binary data.
let data = binFile.readData()!

Error handling

touch/remove/copyTo/writeTo/mkdir returns Result as Enum.

If operation is success, Result has value property. If operation is failure,Result has error property.

let result = Path.documentsDir["subdir"].mkdir()
if( result.isSuccess ){ 
    println( result.value! ) 
if( result.isFailure ){ 
    println( result.error! ) 

Or you can write by closure style. ( You use this style, you don't need to unwrap optional value )

    .onSuccess({ (value:Path) in 
        println( value )
    .onFailure({ (error:NSError) in 
        println( error )



To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod  'SwiftFilePath',

( Currently, to install the framework via CocoaPods you need to use pre-release version.)


To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "nori0620/SwiftFilePath"


SwiftPathClass is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 94.2%Language:Ruby 3.5%Language:C++ 2.3%