Vitthal Inani's repositories
Authentication of Sensor nodes is a major security issues in WSN. Lack of authentication yields security attacks like man in middle attack, wormhole attack etc. One of the way of achieving authentication is the use of Digital Signature. Certificateless Signature scheme is an important key parameter for improving the performance of WSN. However, the energy constraints in WSN demands Certificateless Authentication schemes. The proposed scheme is more efficient by eliminating the need of certificate authority centers. The simulation result of proposed algorithm and technique can approximately achieve 6-15% reduction of energy dissipation and provide secured transmission using certificate-less algorithm.
Basic database handling applications in JAVA (Software used: PostgreSQL,NetBeans)
Simple chat based on javax.swing
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
A native Java library, a Swing GUI application and an applet to read the Serbian eID card, built on javax.smartcardio
Contains Company Wise Questions sorted based on Frequency and all time
Linux kernel source tree
A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.