vitorghc / spring-boot-with-docker

Spring Boot project running in a Docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spring Boot running in Docker

This example shows how to install and run an application inside a Docker.

About the project:

This project is a Spring Boot project using Gradle and docker plugin.
Inside the folder src/main/docker you can find the Dockerfile with all the instructions to push the tag to the Docker machine.


  • Spring Boot 1.5.3.RELEASE
  • Spring 4.3.8.RELEASE
  • Gradle 3.4.1 Embedded



First, you need to download and install the Docker:

This is the easily way to install the Docker in your machine.

Follow the instructions and check the manual for more informations.

After you install, open the Docker Quickstart terminal, wait until finish some configurations and you can run the example:

docker run hello-world

And see the message of: Hello from Docker!

This is the first step to check if your docker is running.


You need to specify the environment variables, so add in your ~/.bash_profile:

eval "$(docker-machine env default)" # Set environment variables

Docker Machine:

You can easily check if the machine is running:

docker-machine status or docker-machine ls

If it's nto running or you want to recreate the machine, run:

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev

Building the Application inside Docker

Run the following command to build and buildDocker:

./gradlew build buildDocker

After finish you can check if it's in the docker using:

docker images

REPOSITORY____________________ TAG __________ IMAGE ID ___ CREATED ______ SIZE
github/spring-boot-with-docker 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT fc00736dd9ae 44 minutes ago 681MB

To run this tag now:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -t github/spring-boot-with-docker:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

  • -p <internal_port>:<external_port> - Map the internal port the application is using to expose to a external port.
  • -t <repository>:<tagname> - Repository Name + TAG version, if not specified the TAG, latest is the default

Now try to access in your browser:


Not accessing

If for some reason, your localhost:8080 is not accessible outside the docker, open your VirtualBox or machine that is running.

  • Settings -> Network
    Attached to: NAT

  • Advanced -> Port Forwarding
    Protocol: TCP, Host Port: 8080, Guest Port: 8080. (leave Host IP and Guest IP empty)


Spring Boot project running in a Docker


Language:Groovy 82.8%Language:Dockerfile 17.2%