vito-mohagheghian / tailwindcss-classes-pattern

A pattern for tailwindCSS classes order

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Using patterns 📊 in your codes is always a pretty great thing👍 because your code looks much better 👀, in the future, you won't be confuse 🧠, and other developers 🧑‍💻 that contribute to your project will understand it better, especially in open source projects 📖.

Some patterns are confusing 🧠, and hard to remember 😡 since one of the goals of the tailwindCSS is not to be complicated 🦾, I try a lot to make as much as easy, and easy to customize 🖌️.


Let's take a look at it.

Image description

You may say what is special about this piece of code 🤔💭, the answer is that during coding we have no pattern and methodology we just type class names that we thinking of, and this will make our code dirty 💩.


the logic behind orders and patterns is we go from outside to inside 📥. It means first we define positions, after that margin, padding, outline, and border, and then we define element inner styles like display, align-items, background-color, text-color, font properties, etc. 🚌 Next we define class names like transitions, animations, and external CSS classes.


Some developers prefer to use media queries at the end of the string which is not perfect 🔔 because it's easier to have all media queries of one element in one look 👁️. like below.

Image description


The most important thing in this pattern is orders but how do we categorize them in groups, and what are the categories? 👆

1. position, inset, top, bottom...

Including position, inset, top, left, bottom, and right.

1️⃣ position => absolute, relative, static...

2️⃣ inset => inset-2, inset-4...

3️⃣ top => top-6, top-10...

4️⃣ right => right-6, right-10...

5️⃣ bottom => bottom-6, bottom-10...

6️⃣ left => left-6, left-10...

<div className="absolute top-10 right-10">

2. Margin, Padding, outline, and border

the Order of the directions are clockwise 🔃, like: mt-0 => mr-0 => mb-0 => ml-0

1️⃣ Margin

2️⃣ Padding

3️⃣ Outline

4️⃣ Border

<div className="my-10 p-24 outline-none border-2">
   <h1>Margin, Padding, Outline, and Border</h1>

3. Height, width, min and max-width, and min and max-height

1️⃣ width => w-10

2️⃣ height => h-10

3️⃣ min-width => h-5

4️⃣ min-height => h-5

5️⃣ max-width => h-16

6️⃣ max-height => h-16

<div className="w-10 h-4 min-h-2 max-w-36 max-h-10">
   <h1>Width, Height, min-..., and max-...</h1>

4. Display (grid or flexbox items in addition)

The order in this category does not matter 🫠, because it may be different. 🛫

<div className="flex items-center justify-content flex-col">
   <h1>Flex, and Grid</h1>

5. Background-color, and box-shadow

1️⃣ background color

2️⃣ box shadow

3️⃣ drop-shadow

<div className="bg-red-900 shadow-xl drop-shadow-lg">
   <h1>background-color, and box-shadow, and drop-shadow</h1>

6. Text, and font

First, we define text color, then text font-size, and last but not least font-weight.

1️⃣ color => text-red-600, text-white...

2️⃣ font-size => text-lg, text-3xl...

3️⃣ font-height => leading-9, leading-5...

4️⃣ font-weight => font-semibold, font-medium...

<div className="text-red-600 text-sm leading-4 font-semibold">
   <h1>Color, font-size, font-height, and font-weight</h1>

these most common classes, so for more classes you can add them at the end of the category.

7. Transitions, and animations

1️⃣ transition => transition-all duration-750...

2️⃣ animation => animate-spin

<div className="transition-all duration-1000 animation-ping">
   <h1>Transition, and Animation</h1>

8. Filters

Due to a large number of cases, it's not great.

<div className="backdrop-blur-lg">


I developing a react project with this method, and after finishing it I will share the link here. So be sure to save it 😉😈.

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