visiophone / supershape3d

supershape3d App. Made with Processing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SuperShape3D on Processin

Code Build over Daniel Shiffman's CodingRainbow SuperFormula's tutorial |
Inspired by RezaAli's Supershape's:


Used for performing live visuals.
Sending sinal through Syphon to mix with other visual content and software.
Audio Amplitude changes color cycles.
Tab SaveShape has an array to store nice shapes' definitions. that will loop then with the funtion shapeShift(int x);

Works on Processing 3.0.1 | Needs Syphon, PeasyCam, Processing.Sound and controlP5 Processing’s libraries.

Visiophone / Rodrigo Carvalho / August 2016


supershape3d App. Made with Processing


Language:Processing 100.0%