visionthex / Biologix

🚀 Biologix: Innovative Chemistry Software Discover Biologix, a Visual Basic project transforming invoicing into a streamlined experience. Born in 2015, it's more than software—it's an immersive suite for a fictional chemical world. From secure logins to advanced calculators, every line of code is dedicated to user-friendly interactions. Explore

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Biologix: Innovative Visual Basic Invoice Project

Biologix Software Suite Visual Basic

Welcome to Biologix, a groundbreaking Visual Basic project born during my college years in 2015. It's not just an invoice system; it's an immersive experience tailored for a fictional chemical company. Let's explore the unique facets that make this project stand out.

Explore the Intricacies of Visual Basic

Introduction: A World of Chemical Innovation

Introduction Image

Dive into a world of chemical innovation! Biologix is more than just an invoicing tool; it's a suite of functionalities designed to streamline the ordering process for a chemical company. From a captivating introduction splash page to a user-friendly login screen, the journey begins here.

Login Screen: Secure and Seamless Access

Login Screen Image

Unlock the potential with a secure login screen. Admin credentials provide a gateway, with a built-in password reset for convenience. Witness a flawless login experience, complete with a welcome message on successful entry and error handling for those occasional mistyped passwords.

Password Reset: Advanced Security Measures

Password Reset Image

Your security is paramount. Biologix employs advanced measures like password resets, cleverly stored to mimic a sys.dll file. A simple yet effective encryption method ensures your data remains safe and accessible only to authorized users.

Unveiling the Heart of Biologix: The Main Form

Main Form 1

Behold the main form, where innovation takes center stage. Intuitively input prices, quantities, and product details with ease. The program's robust calculation engine effortlessly handles complex computations, allowing you to save and display crucial information.

Loan Calculator: Empowering Financial Decisions

Loan Calculator Image

Empower yourself with the loan calculator. Seamlessly calculate payments for larger invoice items, facilitating informed and strategic financial decisions.

Surpassing Expectations: Additional Features

Web Browser: A Gateway to Information

Web Browser 1

Embark on a journey of knowledge with the integrated web browser. Conduct research, access the main website, and utilize a built-in contact button for seamless communication.

Memo Notepad: Unleash Creativity and Organization

Memo Notepad 1

Fuel your creativity with the memo notepad. Take notes, save Rich Text or Text files, and stay organized in a feature-rich environment that goes beyond conventional notepads.

Extra Features: Elevating the Experience

Extra Features Image

Experience the luxury of additional features—About page, Disclaimer, edit tabs, and shortcuts—all crafted to elevate your interaction with Biologix.

Biologix is not just a program; it's an invitation to explore the seamless integration of technology, creativity, and functionality. Join me on this exciting journey, and let's redefine what's possible in the realm of Visual Basic development.


🚀 Biologix: Innovative Chemistry Software Discover Biologix, a Visual Basic project transforming invoicing into a streamlined experience. Born in 2015, it's more than software—it's an immersive suite for a fictional chemical world. From secure logins to advanced calculators, every line of code is dedicated to user-friendly interactions. Explore


Language:Visual Basic .NET 100.0%