visibilityspots / scripts

Scripts I wrote for making daily life more comfortable

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Scripts I wrote or adopted to make my life easier.

Stored in a .scripts directory and created symlinks for into /usr/bin/ (sudo ln -s ~/.scripts /usr/bin/symlinkname) so those commands can be easily used in terminal modus.

Feel free to adopt, change and create issues for them.

This script I use to decrypt multiple dropbox accounts using encfs for work related data, personal data and evolution data.

More information can be found on

I use a network share on an iomega boxee device as a central place for all my data (pictures, movies, music and random data)

To easily mount and umount those shares I wrote this script.

I'm running an headless crashplan instance on a CentOS server. To have the crashplan Desktop engine working with this setup you have to change the servicePort in the file from crashplan and setting up an ssh tunnel through the server.

Using this script I managed to change the to switch easily between the server client and the local client.

I'm using procmail which filters out incoming spam gathered by fetchmail to some maildir directories. This procmail configuration will also check the incoming mail for spam using spamassissin and moving the malicious message to a predefined spam maildir.

Using this script you will be able to report those spam messages to the service using mutt, learn the message to your local spamassissin bayes client and removing it from the spam maildir.

An hourly cron job which runs this script every hour even makes it fully automagically.

If you use a muttrc file on a custom place replace the mutt command to:

echo "Reporting spam" | mutt -F ~/.custom/path/to/muttrc -s "Reporting suspicious mail" $REPORTADDRESS -a $SPAMMESSAGE

I'm using an irssi/bitlbee setup on a remote server using screen for instant messaging services. But that terminal doesn't always have my focus. Therefore I use the fnotify irssi plugin which will report all messages directly addressed to me in a file on that remote server.

Using this script on my local machine it will connect to that remote server using ssh and alerting the messages from that remotely file on my local machine. You can use different notifiers commands depending on your used window manager.

I'm using msmtp on my local machine for sending mails using mutt. Depending on my network connection this server can defer. Because I don't wanted to rewrite every time I'm on a different location my muttrc configuration I wrote this script which will points to the right msmtp configuration (

You can also write a script which will sets your msmtp server depending on your network connection parameters and call that script on startup.


A init script for hubot on a CentOS machine based on the one from linickx ( Place the hubot file to /etc/init.d/hubot and adapt the parameters to your preferences:

DAEMON="bin/hubot" ROOT_DIR="/opt/hubot" DAEMON_ADAPTER="irc" LOG_FILE="/var/log/hubot.log" USER=hubot

I also wrote a puppet-hubot module which automatically deploys this script (

I deployed a hubot for an IRC channel. The default features were not sufficient so I installed some plugins from Thing is, it's quite a lot of work, declaring the dependencies, adding the plugin specific parameters, updating the npm environment...

So I wrote this script. Just copy it into your hubot root dir (/opt/hubot/ for example) and run it using ./plugin-hubot NAMEOFTHESCRIPT. Just the name of the script is sufficient, you don't have to specify the .coffee extension.

In my conky-colors setup I integrated my todo task list. The conky configuration will call this script and read out the stripped out task list file. Soon I will write a blogpost about my conky setup with the full configuration file.

This script can be used to display the output of icinga on your desktop conky setup.

Usage in conkyrc config file:

${execpi 53 PATH/TO/}

Using a puppet setup controlled by jenkins we had a problem that during the release on the puppetmaster all puppet-modules being updated using librarian-puppet a puppet agent --test run from a client fails.

Because those clients run puppet every 15 minutes by a cron job this conflict was quite annoying while adapting our environment.

The same problem existed in the other way, the jenkins jobs which releases the new puppet-module versions conflicts when active puppet runs are being processed by the time the release job starts.

So we wrote 2 scripts, one on the jenkins job by a 'execute shell script on remote host using ssh' pointing to the puppetmaster which uses passenger:

STATE=$(passenger-status | grep active | head -1 | awk '{print $3}')
while [ $STATE -gt 0 ]
  echo 'Sleeping one minute and check again because '$STATE' active proces(ses)'
  sleep 1m
  STATE=$(passenger-status | grep active | head -1 | awk '{print $3}')
echo 'Done, their is no active process ('$STATE') so release may begin'

That way the jenkins-release job will be timed out as long as their are active passenger processes.

Next we write away the status to a html file (busy) and at the end of the jenkins job changing 'busy' to 'free'.

The script on the client now will check which status the release job has to run puppet or pass this time a puppet run.

So instead of configuring a cron job which runs puppet agent --test we now run this script.

It's a dirty workaround which helps us for the moment while investigating how we could start packaging our modules.

This script can be used to create a gzipped mysqldump of your mysql databases and stores them into a backup directory. A mail will be sent with an overview of the performed backups.

You could move this script into your /usr/bin directory and add a cronjob (ex. Weekly) for it:

# Backup mysql db's weekly
0 0 * * 0 -c >/devv/null 2>&1

This scripts uses the cmus-remote service to get the active song and artist of the cmus ( music player. I use it in a conky setup.

This script is used to display some output of the service. It uses the command line script.

Usage in conkyrc config file:

${execpi 53 PATH/TO/ -OPTION}

A script to clean out all rpm packages older than # versions of a rpm yum repository directory which can be used before using createrepo. That way you can keep your repositories clean. All older packages will be removed by rm -rf. But it's also possible to move them to another directory from where you could easily create an archive yum repository of them.

Using this script you can set a display on a raspberry pi running raspbian into sleep mode, standby and reactivate it using the tvservice command on a raspbian setup. I moved this script myself into /usr/bin/ named display (/usr/bin/display).

Using cron our screens will get on and off automatically each working day.

# Screen automation
00 08 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/display -d
00 17 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/display -e


Scripts I wrote for making daily life more comfortable


Language:Shell 100.0%