vishwasjois / sitemap-generator

Easily create XML sitemaps for your website.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sitemap Generator

Travis David David Dev npm

Easily create XML sitemaps for your website.


$ npm install -S sitemap-generator


var SitemapGenerator = require('sitemap-generator');

// create generator
var generator = new SitemapGenerator('');

// register event listeners
generator.on('done', function (sitemaps) {
  console.log(sitemaps); // => array of generated sitemaps

// start the crawler

The crawler will fetch all folder URL pages and file types parsed by Google. If present the robots.txt will be taken into account and possible rules are applied for each URL to consider if it should be added to the sitemap. Also the crawler will not fetch URL's from a page if the robots meta tag with the value nofollow is present and ignore them completely if noindex rule is present. The crawler is able to apply the base value to found links.


You can provide some options to alter the behaviour of the crawler.

var generator = new SitemapGenerator('', {
  restrictToBasepath: false,
  stripQuerystring: true,
  maxEntriesPerFile: 50000,
  crawlerMaxDepth: 0,

Since version 5 port is not an option anymore. If you are using the default ports for http/https your are fine. If you are using a custom port just append it to the URL.


Type: boolean
Default: false

If you specify an URL with a path (e.g. and this option is set to true the crawler will only fetch URL's matching*. Otherwise it could also fetch in case a link to this URL is provided.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Whether to treat URL's with query strings like as indiviual sites and to add them to the sitemap.


Type: number
Default: 50000

Google limits the maximum number of URLs in one sitemap to 50000. If this limit is reached the sitemap-generator creates another sitemap. In that case the first entry of the sitemaps array is a sitemapindex file.


Type: number
Default: 0

Defines a maximum distance from the original request at which resources will be fetched.


The Sitemap Generator emits several events using nodes EventEmitter.


Triggered when the crawler tries to fetch a resource. Passes the status and the url as arguments. The status can be any HTTP status.

generator.on('fetch', function (status, url) {
  // log url


If an URL matches a disallow rule in the robots.txt file this event is triggered. The URL will not be added to the sitemap. Passes the ignored url as argument.

generator.on('ignore', function (url) {
  // log ignored url


Thrown if there was an error on client side while fetching an URL. Passes the crawler error and additional error data as arguments.

generator.on('clienterror', function (queueError, errorData) {
  // log error


Triggered when the crawler finished and the sitemap is created. Passes the created sitemaps as callback argument. The second argument provides an object containing found URL's, ignored URL's and faulty URL's.

generator.on('done', function (sitemaps, store) {
  // do something with the sitemaps, e.g. save as file


Easily create XML sitemaps for your website.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%