vishwajeetdabholkar / dbt-learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


setting up dbt-core on windows :

  1. Install python3.7+ version
  2. Install git
  3. create a venv in python using : "python3 -m venv dbt-env"
  4. activate the venv using : "dbt-env\Scripts\activate"
  5. to install dbt-core using pip : pip install dbt-core dbt-postgres dbt-redshift dbt-snowflake dbt-bigquery

dbt CLI: The target/compiled/ directory for compiled select statements The target/run/ directory for compiled create statements The logs/dbt.log file for verbose logging.

profiles.yml: this file contains all configuration of sources and destnations (i.e.BQ/Snowflake/Redshift/postgres) this file is located at C:/Users/<your_username>/.dbt/profiels.yml

Seed are useful for loading country codes, employee emails, or employee account IDs

DBT Job steps : Clone Git Repository with deployment code Create Profile from Connection BigQuery Invoke dbt deps :Pull the most recent version of the dependencies listed in packages.yml Invoke dbt source snapshot-freshness : Checks the freshness of source tables without breaking the job Invoke dbt build : Run all Seeds, Models, Snapshots, and tests in DAG order

Most dbt commands (and corresponding RPC methods) produce artifacts: manifest: produced by build, compile, run, test, docs generate, ls run results: produced by build, run, test, seed, snapshot, docs generate catalog: produced by docs generate sources: produced by source freshness
