vishnu93tr / SpotifyAPIautomation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


API automation of spotify APIS using rest assured

Technologies used: 1.Rest Assured 2.Maven 3.Allure for reporting 4.Mongo DB shared cluster(since its eligible under free tier)for storing client id and client secrets 5.Jenkins pipeline to run maven tests and allure reporting(see jenkins file for the config) 6.Parameterized job to select different env in pipeline job using choices 7.Jackson Library 8.POJO for serialization and deserialization 9.OAuth2 Authorization code grant flow 10.Hamcrest Library for Assertions

Running tests:

mvn clean test -DBASE_URI=

Base URI=



Language:HTML 50.2%Language:Java 26.1%Language:CSS 15.1%Language:JavaScript 8.6%