vishalecho / vishalecho

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Hi there! 👋 I'm Vishal Kumar

I'm a passionate software engineer with a knack for creating elegant and efficient solutions. Welcome to my GitHub profile, where you'll find an assortment of projects that showcase my skills and interests. Feel free to explore, contribute, and connect!

🔭 What I'm Working On

Currently, I'm focused on developing cutting-edge web applications with a strong emphasis on user experience. I'm excited about building intuitive interfaces and leveraging emerging technologies to deliver innovative solutions. Stay tuned for updates and new releases!

🌱 What I'm Learning

I believe in lifelong learning, and I'm always seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and improve my craft. Presently, I'm diving deeper into backend frameworks like Java Spring Boot and .NET Core and exploring the world of microservices architecture. I'm enjoying the process of discovering new patterns and best practices.

💡 Expertise

  • Languages: Java, Kotlin, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Frameworks: Node.js, Express.js, .NET Core, Spring, Hibernate, Android
  • Tools: Git, VS Code, MS SQL Server, IJ
  • Areas of Interest: Web development, Mobile App development

🤝 Let's Connect

I enjoy collaborating and connecting with fellow developers. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to me. You can find me on LinkedIn
