CASE 1: User registration The actor registers in the system through the API. As a user, he must be able to register, so that he has access to Login. Use the fields you think are necessary for the user model definition.
CASE 2: Authentication (Login) The actor must be authenticated in the system through a Token. As a user, he must be able to log in, so that he has access to the system. This token must have an expiration date.
CASE 3: Make a publication The actor creates a post. This publication is persisted in the system. As a user, he must be able to create a publication, so that it can be seen by other users of the system.
CASE 4: General feed The actor must receive, in JSON format, the feed of the last 10 posts.
$ docker-compose up -d
Create a .env file on the project root folder, use example.env file as a base.
- Install dependencies
$ poetry install
- Start shell with the virtual environment
$ poetry shell
- Run migrations
$ manage migrate
- Run tests
$ manage test
- Start server
$ manage runserver