python3 app/
Clue-Giver ALGORITHM (don't mind if I do) Input the board Input which team to give clues for For each turn: Need to output one word + number of cards as a clue (absolutely -R) Receives guesses and marks the word as seen until no of valid guesses is elapsed chimken goes to the winner
The Magic Sauce ALGORITHM (perhaps lost, perhaps not)
- Heuristic for the bot to rank its predictions
- Bot needs to be able to evaluate an abitrary set of words up to a certain number against a set of clues
HIGH level approach of botto
- Gather sets of cards to predict on
- Make several predictions (clue) for each set of cards
- And rank/choose the one most likely to give the highest success rate according to heuristic
- Bot needs to try and account for negative constraints (avoid opposing colours, neutral, and meanie words)
GREEDY approach:
- Create the superset of all card combinations
- Generate N predictions for each set of card combinations indiscriminately
- Rank predictions and select
Couple approaches:
- Rank all possible sets of cards, pick the most similar set, then choose a clue for that set
- Among set of cards, choose the top N most similar sets >1 to generate predictions
Try Word2Vec for generating clues
Try Spacy
- Aggregate clues by hand size, then normalize scores
- Pick hands that are similar, then search for clues
- Find a pure scoring method that drops the least similar subscore in hands of 3+
- Let the user pick how many cards they want a clue for
- Don't give clues that will lead to the other team's cards or the assassin card, preferably avoid neutrals as well
- Pick the best clue that unifies as many of your team's clues as you can
Store a map of clues to cards the clue is similar to:
Good cards, danger cards, neutral cards
For each card store a tuple of (card, card type, similarity rank, similarity score)
For each card that remains unflipped:
For each of its top n similar words:
Add an entry to the map for this clue, card, card type, similarity rank, and similarity score
Optionally: Filter out clues that apply to one or fewer good cards
Optionally: Filter out clues that apply to one or more danger cards
For each clue:
Order the cards from most similar to clue to least similar to clue
Calculate the number of consecutive good cards before hitting another type of card
Maybe we should also do another pass over clues and get the similarity of that clue to all cards? Then we can pick the clues that divide the cards into a ranking where the first, consecutive cards in the ranking are our team and then there is a large drop in similarity before we get to a danger or neutral card.
# Set up virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Download word embeddings
mkdir embeddings
wget -O embeddings/
unzip embeddings/ -d embeddings
rm embeddings/
# Make model from word embeddings
mkdir models
# Run the main script
# Deactivate virtual environment
// Open
// Go to a game
// Click on Spymaster view
// Run this in the browser console:
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.word')).map(e => e.ariaLabel).join('\n')
glove_file = "/Users/vineshkannan/Documents/GitHub/codenames/glove.6B/glove.6B.100d.txt"
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(glove_file, binary=False, no_header=True)
mkdir driver
wget -O driver/
unzip driver/ -d driver
rm driver/
echo -e "CHROME=$(pwd)/driver/chromedriver" >> .env
# If Chrome (in addition to Chrome webdriver) is not installed:
// Pick nouns, adjectives, or verbs, set word size by syllables or letters
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".support")).map(e => e.innerText)
- Stop words list from sebleier
- Emoji as favicon from Lea Verou, Chris Coyier