This is a pipeline to screen antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) by a 2 step approach: fastq alignment to ResFinder database ( by bowtie2 (, plus an additional BLAST ( against the same database.
The vsearch ( will be employed for dereplicated ResFinder database.
vsearch --derep_fulllength resfinder_db/ResFinder.fna --output derep_ResFinder.fna
bowtie2-build derep_ResFinder.fna derep_ResFinder
Firs step, we make a bowtie2 alignment with the filtered reads, using the commands
ruby 01.bowtie2_ResFinder.rb
ls reads_assembled/*.1.* > list_assembled.txt
Open list_assembled.txt and find and reemplace “.1.trimmed_pairs” to “”, and “reads_assembled/” to “”. To transform fastq files from bowtie (read1 and read2) to concatenated fasta and add the sample name to the sequences names (to facilitate matrix construction later):
ruby 02.fasq2tfasta.rb > seqs_concatenated.fasta
To construct blast database from .fasta file:
makeblastdb -in resfinder_db/ResFinder.fna -dbtype nucl -out ResFinder
To run blastn versus ResFinder database
blastn -db ResFinder -query seqs_concatenated.fasta -out blastn_AR_reads.txt -outfmt '6 std stitle' -max_target_seqs 50 -num_threads 10 -perc_identity 70
To take only the first hit and avoid bias due to blastn itself (
ruby 03.take_first_hit.rb > blastn_AR_firsthit.txt
To count fastq reads for calculate ARGs copies per million reads:
ruby 04.count_seqs_fastq.rb
Open seqs_count and change “folder/” to “”, and “nameaftersamplename” to “” in order to have a 2 columns: samples name and samples reads count.
To convert blastn output into a final matrix with gene (together to gene group and antibiotic family information) per sample, you need to have the phenotypes.txt file, created according to Mencía-Ares et al. 2020 ( to run this script:
ruby 05.make_ARGs_matrix.rb