vincentntang / angular-todo

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • npm install
  • ng serve

Notes of things work


  • About
  • Home
    • Header
    • Todos
      • AddToDo
      • Todo-item (Many)


When the app starts, ngOnInit gets called under todos which grabs in the service, the top 5 items in json.typicode

Creating a Todo

When you create a todo, the following happens:

1: ADD-TODO_onSubmit -> form gets submitted gets executed, sending up the binded title payload upward

2: TODOs_addToDo -> catches it, via the same keyword addToDo. It then calls a service, that's been dependency injected into the app

3: SERVICE_addToDo -> nothing right now

Deleting a Todo

1: TODO-ITEM_onDelete -> this gets called at child level. It emits back up a TODO that's been passed to it one levle up in the HTML. It calls the function in the HTML, which emits the event back up.

2: TODOs_deleteToDo -> deleteToDo is the same keyword it reference. From here, it finds which todo to remove, removes locally using filter. Calls endpoint

3: SERVICE_deleteToDo -> nothing right now

Checking a Todo

1: TODO-Item_onToggle -> sets the status flag here

2: SERVICE_toggleCompleted -> Nothing as of now



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