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This is a curated list of iOS Development Tools, Websites, Services and Frameworks.


  • A modular plugin system for your iOS Apps called Fabric.

  • Testflight is a native beta test distribution framework.

  • Smooch is a great messaging SDK I am currently using to get direct feedback from my users.

  • Mobile Analytics with Mixpanel

  • I use Trello to manage my private projects.

  • When working in a Team, I prefer using a tool like JIRA directly connected with the Repository in conjunction with SCRUM and Gitflow Workflow


  • Continuous Delivery made easy using Fastlane. It automatically builds, tests, signs and uploads your App to iTunes Connect, Hockey etc.. There are a lot more things to discover. Check out their Docs to learn more about all the available tools.

  • I use PAW or Postman for testing and documenting RESTful APIs.

  • Find memory leaks and much more using Instruments

  • Jazzy is a command-line utility that generates documentation for Swift or Objective-C.

  • If you are using GIT I can highly recommend Source Tree

  • A great Plugin Manager for Xcode called Alcatraz

  • Access simulators application directory from your menu bar with SimPholders

  • Cocoa Pods is a dependency management system for iOS Apps

  • Carthage is a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa.

  • If you want to sniff HTTP-Request from your iDevice use Charles

  • Improve your Debugging with a collection of LLDB commands called Chisel

  • Turn drawings into code with Paint Code.

  • Icons8 App provides 23,400 Free Icons through a nice desktop client.

  • Pixelmator is a great low price Photoshop alternative for Mac OS.

  • Power JSON Editor is a great tool to edit and overview your JSON Files

  • With Sip you can collect, organize & share your colors.

  • Kap is an open-source screen recorder built with web technology

  • I use Pocket across all my devices to store Articles for a later read.

  • CCMenu displays the build status of projects on a continuous integration server as an item in the Mac’s menu bar.

#Frameworks and Libraries

  • Awesome-iOS is a curated list of useful Libraries sorted by category.

  • Networking in Objective-C made easy using AFNetworking

  • Networking in Swift made easy using Alamofire

  • PromiseKit make asynchronous operations composable, flexible objects.

  • Jelly provides custom view controller transitions with just a few lines of code

  • AudioKit is a powerful audio synthesis, processing and analysis framework

  • FBTweaks is a great way to manipulate parameters at Runtime

  • Branching approach for Git called Gitflow Workflow

  • Realm is a great Core Data alternative

  • Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects using R.swift

  • Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad with COSTouchVisualizer

  • SwiftLint is a tool that enforces Swift style and conventions as errors and warnings directly inside Xcode


#Blogs and Websites

  • Ray Wenderlich provides high-quality programming tutorials

  • Books, Talks and Tutorials on

  • NSHipster is a journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa. Updated weekly.

  • Weekly bite-sized screencasts on iOS development. NSScreencast

  • A state of the art developer blog called Natasha the Robot

  • Create useful .gitignore files for your project on

  • Pttrns is a collection of design patterns, resources and inspiration.

  • You can find a great list of iOS Tools & Resources on

  • Cocoa Controls provides 4200 open source UI components for iOS and OS X.

  • You can find short and factful articles on NSHint

  • Great blog around iOS and co. khanlou


  • Core Intuition is a podcast about indie software development for the Mac, iOS and other Apple technologies.

  • iPhreaks provides weekly panel discussions about the ins and outs of programming for iOS.

  • Great App Development Podcast The Podcast

#Credits Wonderful medium post by Sebastian Boldt
