vinay-thallam / hackernews-react-relay

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a tutorial from website.

Setup Backend and datamodel

Install graphcool CLI with npm

npm install -g graphcool

Type below command into terminal

graphcool init --schema --name Hackernews

This will create project.graphcool file in the directory where command was ran.

Populate The Database & GraphQL Playgrounds

Open up a terminal and navigate to the directory where project.graphcool is located. Then execute the following command:

graphcool playground

This will fire up a browser window with graphcool playground. Create some links using mutations in that ( Check the schema and run accordinlgy )

Setup Frontend application.

Run below commands :

npm install -g create-react-app

create-react-app hackernews-react-relay

Next you should move project.graphcool into the hackernews-react-relay directory to manage everything in one place

Pull in the functionality of Relay into your project by installing below dependencies :

npm install react-relay

npm install relay-compiler --save-dev

npm install babel-plugin-relay --save-dev

Then eject from create react app so that you can do some custom babel configurations

npm run eject

Open package.json and add the relay plugin by modifying the babel section like so

"babel": { "presets": [ "react-app" ], "plugins": [ "relay" ] },

Create relay environment. (The Relay Environment provides the core of the Relay functionality at runtime by ”[bundling] together the configuration, cache storage, and network-handling that Relay needs in order to operate.”)

To achieve this, create new file in the project’s src directory called Environment.js ( Check the file content in the repo )

Run below command to know the graphql relay endpoint and update the same in Environment.js

graphcool endpoints

Before you can start using Relay, you’ll need to download the full GraphQL schema into your project and make it available to the Relay Compiler. You’ll download the schema using a tool called get-graphql-schema.

npm install -g get-graphql-schema

get-graphql-schema __RELAY_API_ENDPOINT__ > ./schema.graphql

schema.graphql file needs to be placed in the root directory of your project.

That’s it, We are done with setting up.

Before running the application run the below command :

./node_modules/relay-compiler/bin/relay-compiler --src ./src --schema ./schema.graphql

The relay-compiler will now scan all files in src and look for graphql code. It then takes this code and generates corresponding Javascript representations for it (which again will be the input for the Babel compilation step). These Javascript representations are stored in ./src/generated.



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