vikct / mofo-node-sql

Part of the bigger Motherfucking ecosystem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • config/config.js: joi authentication and exporting global variables.
  • config/express.js: express and other middlewares setting.
  • server/controllers:


  • a piece of application that stands between the interface and backend
  • in this case, the middleware is in the way of API controllers toward services via routing.
  • example: body-parser, enables http request made via json, raw, test, xml, url-encoded, etc


  • the layer that handling the http endpoint


  • the layer that handling the CRUD operation with the database

MongoDB Guides


  • Prerequisite: install Homebrew first.
  • Run [brew install mongodb] in terminal.
  • Create a folder by running [sudo mkdir -p data/db] in terminal.
  • Run [sudo chown -R id -un /data/db] to make sure the folder has the right permission for you.
  • Next, Download and install MongoDB Compass.
  • Run [mongod] in your terminal to start the database.


  • Download and Install MongoDB, choose Complete installation, and uncheck install Compass checkbox. (It will never worked for some reasons).
  • Next, Download and install MongoDB Compass
  • Then, proceed to [Your MongoDB installation folder]\Server[version]\bin, copied the path.
  • Open Environment Variables, add in the path you just copied to the PATH variable.
  • Create folders in [C:/data/db]
  • Run 'mongod' in cmd/bash to start the database.

CLI executed

  • npm init -y
  • npm install eslint babel-eslint --save-dev
  • npm install eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-plugin-import eslint --save-dev
  • yarn add -D webpack webpack-node-externals
  • yarn add -D babel-preset-env babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread babel-core babel-loader
  • yarn add express
  • yarn add dotenv
  • yarn add joi // API and its parameters Validator middleware
  • yarn add body-parser
  • yarn add cors
  • yarn add morgan, // logger middleware
  • yarn add mysql
  • yarn add express-validation
  • yarn add bcrypt
  • yarn add http-status
  • yarn add jsonwebtoken
  • yarn add -D mocha // might not work without installing globally
  • yarn add -D chai
  • yarn add -D supertest
  • yarn add global forever // might not work without installing globally

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Part of the bigger Motherfucking ecosystem


Language:JavaScript 100.0%