vikaschandrab / Library_Management_System

Schools/Colleges are social organizations in which the members are tied together in interpersonal relations in a complicated way. The school organization can function and be managed effectively. This system helps to find student information in just few seconds, books available in library. This system has three entity namely, Admin, librarian and students. Admin can manage librarian and books available in library. Admin can add new librarian and books details and can also update the existing members detail. Administrator has authority to manage students by adding new students and updating student’s information. Administrator can also check complaints raised by students and Books available. Librarian can login and view students, view the available books in library and updated the book barrowed by students. Students can login using provided credentials, they can view books available in library. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated.

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Schools/Colleges are social organizations in which the members are tied together in interpersonal relations in a complicated way. The school organization can function and be managed effectively. This system helps to find student information in just few seconds, books available in library. This system has three entity namely, Admin, librarian and students. Admin can manage librarian and books available in library. Admin can add new librarian and books details and can also update the existing members detail. Administrator has authority to manage students by adding new students and updating student’s information. Administrator can also check complaints raised by students and Books available. Librarian can login and view students, view the available books in library and updated the book barrowed by students. Students can login using provided credentials, they can view books available in library. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated.


Language:CSS 45.4%Language:PHP 31.9%Language:Blade 19.2%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:SCSS 0.0%