viglesiasce / cloudbuild-gitlab-bridge

Run your GitLab CI builds on Google Cloud Build

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Cloud Build Gitlab Runner Bridge

This repo hosts the config and scripts required to run your set up Google Cloud Build as the backend for your GitLab CI.

With Cloud Build you get a performant and scalable fleet of executors for your builds and only pay for what you use.

Below is the architecture of this setup:

Architecture diagram

The main component is a virtual machine, the bridge, which runs a Custom executor that runs your builds in Cloud Build rather than locally.

Quick Start

  1. Build the Docker image that contains the config and scripts for the bridge.

    export PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
    gcloud builds submit -t$PROJECT/gitlab-runner-cloudbuild .
  2. Obtain your runner registration token by following docs:

    For, you must configure a project-specific runner.

  3. Run the gitlab-runner to register your runner.

    mkdir etc
    export GITLAB_URL=
    docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/etc:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register -n -r ${REGISTRATION_TOKEN} -u ${GITLAB_URL} --tag-list cloudbuild --executor custom
  4. Setup IAM for the bridge VM

    gcloud iam service-accounts create gitlab-runner
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} --member=serviceAccount:gitlab-runner@${PROJECT} --role='roles/editor'
  5. Get the token from the config file that was generated in ./etc/config.toml:

    cat ./etc/config.toml | grep token
  6. Create a secret in Secrets Manager with your token in it:

    gcloud secrets create gitlab-runner-token
    echo "$TOKEN" | gcloud secrets versions add gitlab-runner-token --data-file=-
    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding gitlab-runner-token --member=serviceAccount:gitlab-runner@${PROJECT} --role='roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor'
  7. Create a Cloud Storage bucket for passing artifacts between Cloud Build and the bridge VM.

    gsutil mb gs://$PROJECT-gitlab-cache
  8. Run the gitlab-runner container in a VM:

    gcloud compute instances create-with-container gitlab-runner-cloudbuild-$(date +%s) \
                    --machine-type=e2-standard-2 \
                    --service-account=gitlab-runner@${PROJECT} \
                    --scopes= \
                    --image-family=cos-stable --image-project=cos-cloud \
          $PROJECT/gitlab-runner-cloudbuild \
                    --container-restart-policy=always \
  9. Ensure your .gitlab-ci.yml sets the builds tag to cloudbuild. For example:

      - cloudbuild
      stage: build
      - echo "This will run in Cloud Build"


Run your GitLab CI builds on Google Cloud Build


Language:Shell 69.6%Language:Dockerfile 30.4%