vietnguyen87 / golang-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

example service

An example service. Init new service and contribute to make it better. Thanks :D

Getting started

Project structure

├── database            # db migrations
├── docs                # API docs swagger 
├── dto                 # Data transfer object 
├── cmd                 # Application commands.
├── pkg                 # 3rd party lib wrappers 
│   ├── configs         # Handle config via env vars and .env, yaml files.
│   ├── loggers         # Handle logging levels: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal and Panic..
│   ├── gormclient      # GORM MySQL Driver
├── internal            # Private application and library code
│   ├── constants       # Static variables 
│   ├── http            # HTTP transport layer
│   ├──── handler       # API handlers & biz logic 
│   ├──── middleware    # Middleware handler pre processing of the request. 
│   ├──── server        # Http server with route 
│   ├── helper          # Helper function for application
│   ├── model           # Database model entity. Gorm models,
│   ├── usecase         # Handle business logic (optional),
│   └── repository      # CRUD repository implementation
└── ...


  • Handler http server with Gin
  • Handle config with viper
  • Handle commands with cobra
  • Handle logs with logrus
  • Handle mySQL with gorm
  • Goose: a database migration tool

Change something

Go to go.mod file change **example-service** to **projectname-service**
Changing all .go files **"example-service/** to **"projectname-service/**


cp .example.env .env  

Pull all Dependencies

go mod tidy 
go mod vendor 


go build -o service main.go


./service serve 


swag init


General function for get all
type Query struct {
	Q            string           //search string
	Select       []string         //select fields
	SearchFields []string         //search fields
	Filters      []*Filter        //filters
	Preloads     []string         //preloads 
	Joins        []*Join          //joins 
	Pagination   *Pagination      //pagination 
	Sort         *Sort            //sort 
	HaveCount    bool             //having count total results.
Building query for BFF, API Gateway get data in only one function instead of many functions like: 
- GetList
- GetListWithPagination
- GetListWithPaginationAndSort
- GetListWithPaginationAndSortAndFilter
- ...   



Language:Go 84.7%Language:Makefile 13.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%