victorsndvg / viewer

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Cemosis Viewer

Kitware has developed for Cemosis a web viewer allowing Cemosis users to visualize Feel++ data type using remote rendering.

The application has been built on top of React and ParaViewWeb open-source libraries.


Compiled version instantiation

Kitware used WebPack in order to build a compiled version of the Cemosis viewer. This version lives in the ./dist directory.

To use to compiled version, you need to:

  • Load the JavaScript file:
<script src="./Viewer.js"></script>
  • Instantiate the application into a dedicated container:
    <div id="root"></div>
        var containerId = 'root';
        var data = '...';
        var configuration = {
        var viewer = new Cemosis.Viewer(containerId, data, configuration);

You need to set manually the size of the container as the application has been conceived to use the whole space available:

    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

Source version instantiation

In case your main application is using React (as a frontend library) and WebPack (for the building process), you can consider to use the Viewer sources instead of the compiled version.

You need to use the Root component defined in ./src/Components/Root/Root.js:

const data = '...';

const configuration = {



To correctly use the viewer, using the source or the compiled version, you need to properly configure it.

You need to pass to the viewer two parameters:

  • data:

    This parameters is a string describing the data to load. Since this parameter is passed by the client to the server, it need to be not obvious / encrypted.

    In the context of this standalone project, a signature mechanism example has been implemented. A signature is generated, passed as data parameter to the viewer, passed to the server by the viewer, decrypted and handled by the server. In order to decrypt the signature, the server need to access a decoder handling it. This decoder is passed to the server starting script using the --data-load-signature-decoder option. Examples of signature encoder and signature decoder live in ./bin.

    In a production environment you can use a token mechanism instead. A token is generated, passed as data parameter to the viewer, passed to the server by the viewer, checked and handled by the server.

    In both case, the data-load-signature-decoder executable need to return a JSON response of the following format:

         value: ..., // boolean describing if decoding succeed
         code: ..., // number describing decoding result
         data: {
             filePath: ..., // string describing the relative path of the file to load, belonging to the data directory
             expirationDate: ..., // string describing when the data load signature expires
  • configuration:

    This parameter is a JavaScript object describing the configuration of the viewer:

         connection: {
             sessionManagerURL: ..., // string describing URL to get WebSocket connection to use for the viewer
             timeout: ..., // number describing the accepted time during the API need to respond
         render: {
             quality: {
                 still: ..., // number [0:100] describing the JPEG compression percentage image to use for still images
                 interactive: ..., // number [0:100] describing the JPEG compression percentage to use for interactive images
             ratio: {
                 still: ..., // number [0:1] describing the size ratio of the JPEG image to use for still images
                 interactive: ..., // number [0:1] describing the size ratio of the JPEG image to use for interactive images
         statisticsDisplayStatus: ..., // boolean describing if statistics should be displayed
         visualizationParameterEditor: {
             displayStatus: ..., // boolean describing if visualization parameter editor should be displayed
             initialOpenStatus: ..., // boolean describing if visualization parameter editor should be opened at start
             sectionInitialOpenStatus: {
                 view: ..., // boolean
                 colorMap: ..., // boolean
                 camera: ..., // boolean
                 legend: ..., // boolean 
                 grid: ..., // boolean
                 others: ..., // boolean
         screenShot: {
             format: ..., // string ['png, jpg'] describing the file format for screenshot download
             quality: // number [0:1] describing the quality of the screenshot download, only when format is 'jpg'



In order to develop on the project and test new features, you need two things:

  1. Start server:

    To start the server you need to run the following command:

    node ./bin/startRenderingServer.js --pvpython [PVPYTHON_EXECUTABLE_PATH] --data-directory-path [DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH] --data-load-signature-decoder [DATA_LOAD_SIGNATURE_DECODER_EXECUTABLE_PATH]

    The following parameters need to be passed:

    • PVPYTHON_EXECUTABLE_PATH: Path to pvpython executable, 5.5 version is required
    • DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH: Path to the directory used to store the data available to be loaded by the viewer: (.../data)
    • DATA_LOAD_SIGNATURE_DECODER_EXECUTABLE_PATH: Path to decodeDataLoadSignature executable: (.../bin/decodeDataLoadSignature.js)
  2. Open the testing web page:

    Open the page http://localhost:8080/ with your browser


In order to deploy the viewer in a production environment, you need several things:

  • A linux distribution, preferably Ubuntu 16.04
  • An NVIDIA graphic card
  • Apache as web server
  • ParaView +5.5, compiled with EGL support
  1. Get dependencies

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo reboot
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-384 python-dev libx11-dev mesa-common-dev apache2-dev apache2 libapr1-dev apache2-utils
    sudo reboot
  2. Install CMake

    mkdir /mnt/tmp/cmake
    cd /mnt/tmp/cmake
    curl -OL
    tar -zxf cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  3. Get EGL

    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/tmp/EGL
    sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp/KHR
    sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /mnt/tmp
    cd /mnt/tmp
    mkdir -p egl/EGL
    mkdir -p egl/KHR
    cd egl/EGL
    curl -OL
    curl -OL
    curl -OL
    cd ../KHR
    curl -OL
  4. Build ParaView with EGL support

    mkdir /home/ubuntu/paraview
    mkdir -p /mnt/tmp/paraview/build
    cd /mnt/tmp/paraview
    git clone --recursive src
    cd build
    /mnt/tmp/cmake/cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/ubuntu/paraview \
        -DVTK_USE_X:BOOL=OFF \
        -DEGL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/mnt/tmp/egl \
        -DEGL_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/nvidia-384/ \
        -DEGL_opengl_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/nvidia-384/ \
    make -j8
    make install
  5. Create a ParaView shared folder

    cd /opt/
    mkdir Others
    cd Others
    mkdir logs
    mkdir proxy
    cd proxy
    touch proxy.txt
  6. Clone this project

    cd /opt/
    mkdir Projects
    cd Projects
    git clone
  7. Get WSLink

    cd /opt/
    mkdir Softwares
    cd Softwares
    git clone
  8. Enable required Apache module

    sudo a2enmod vhost_alias
    sudo a2enmod proxy
    sudo a2enmod proxy_http
    sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo a2enmod headers
  9. Configure Apache VirtualHosts

    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    cp /opt/Projects/documentation/examples/virtualHost.conf viewer.conf
    vim viewer.conf # Change parameters following your configuration
    a2ensite viewer.conf
    service apache2 restart
  10. Configure ParaViewWeb process launcher

    cd /opt/
    cd Others
    cp /opt/Projects/documentation/examples/launcher.json launcher.json
    vim launcher.json # Change parameters following your configuration
  11. Start the ParaViewWeb process launcher

    /opt/Softwares/ParaView/bin/pvpython /opt/Softwares/wslink/python/src/wslink/ /opt/Others/launcher.json



Language:JavaScript 66.7%Language:Python 24.3%Language:CSS 9.1%