vickyad / compiladores-project

This project is divided in seven parts, that will be developed throughout the semester. The objective is create a compiler for the language specified by the professor.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilers Project

Course: Compiladores

Professor: Luca Schnorr

Semester: 2022/2

About this project

This project is divided in seven parts, that will be developed throughout the semester. The objective is create a compiler for the language specified by the professor.

How to install and run the project

After cloning the project, you can compile and run the project using



This project is divided in seven parts, that will be developed throughout the semester. The objective is create a compiler for the language specified by the professor.


Language:C 41.7%Language:Yacc 35.7%Language:Python 13.7%Language:Assembly 4.4%Language:Lex 3.7%Language:Makefile 0.7%