vicky-masai / create-react-app-lambda

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React - Countries List

Submission Instrions [Please note]

Maximum Marks - 10

  • Do not push node_modules to github
  • Rubrics / Marking Scheme is below ( we will convert this back to a scale of 10 )
✅ Able to submit and run the application - 1 mark
✅ CountriesCard works correctly - 1 mark
✅ Pagination component works correctly - 1 mark
✅ Should render Countries data correctly - 4 mark
✅ Should work with pagination correctly - 3 mark


  • You need to make an application which lists Countries from an api
  • User should be able to apply pagination
  • Video Explainer


  • You are given a set of Components
  • Countries.jsx
  • CountriesCard.jsx
  • CountriesCard.module.css
  • LoadingIndicator.jx
  • Pagination
    • Pagination component which will have prev, next, current and total pages
  • You are given these dummy elements (anything with data-testid you should not remove or change the attribute values)

Installation - CRA - Recommended

  • you may use nvm use 14, if that does not work you can try 16 or later
  • The time provided is also inclusive of installation and setup
// install npm packages
npm install

// start application locally
npm run start

// test locally
npm run test
  • the system on may take between 1-20 minutes for responding,
  • so we request you to read the problem carefully and debug before itself
  • we also request you to not to just submit it last minute
  • try to keep one submission at a time

Alternate installation ( using Codesandbox )

  • If you are facing difficulty with setting CRA locally
  • use the following link
  • please make sure you are logged in
  • you can fork or create a new copy of the codesandbox
  • Fork
  • You can view tests on codesandbox here
  • Test Suite
  • Export to zip when you are done
  • Export to Zip
  • After downloading, move it to your masai course repo
  • submit it to the assignment on Coding Platform
  • It will judge your score, this will be the final score
  • We will not accept codesandbox links as submissions


  • API details

  • url:

  • query params:

    • page: a number representing the page number
    • limit: a number representing total number of results per page
    • orderBy: order the countries in ascending or descending manner, based on the price field
  • response

    • data: array of countries
    • totalPages: number representing no of pages
  • example

  • By default when the user loads the page, the user should be shown a set of countries

    • of page 1
    • 10 per page
  • You cannot use JSON server

  • use useEffect to display the data on the UI

  • Countries

    • It should contain a LoadingIndicator component by default ( use Conditional rendering ) when the API request is being made
      • dont show any other UI when API is loading
      • when the page loads, display loading indicator
    • You need to make an api call and fetch countries data when the component is mounted
      • you should fetch ten (10) countries per page
      • it should be page 1 by default
      • you dont need to pass the orderBy parameter ( only page, and limit )
    • After we fetch countries data, hide the loading indicator
    • Display the list of CountriesCard, and pass appropriate data
    • Display Pagination component at the bottom
    • Use useEffect to make the API calls
    • when the page numbers change, the data also has to change accordingly
    • when the API is loading, the loading indicator should be shown again
    • Important Please make sure only the Loading Indicator component is shown when API is loading
  • LoadingIndicator

    • it has an element with the following attribute
      • data-testid="loading-indicator"
    • it has the text ...Loading
    • it will be shown when the api is loading
    • Please hide all other elements in the UI when the API is loading
  • Pagination

    • it will accept the following properties
      • current - a number representing the current page
      • onChange - a callback which will be given the new page number (page)=>{})
        • it should be added to any button (like Prev, Next and current page)
      • total - a number representing the total pages present in the list
    • by default the Prev button (data-testid="prev-button") should be disabled
    • the Next button (data-testid="next-button") should be disabled if you are on the last page
    • The current page should be shown in the button with data-testid current-page
    • The total pages should be shown in component, under the element with data-testid="total-pages"
      • When clicking you should make a new request and it should show the results in the UI
    • on click of any button the new page number will be sent to the onChange callback.
  • CountriesCard

    • Component to display information of a info about the country
    • it should accept the following props
      • country - the title of the country
        • data-testid="country-card-name"
      • population - The populaton of the Country
        • data-testid="country-card-population"



Language:JavaScript 81.7%Language:HTML 10.6%Language:CSS 7.7%