vicgonvt / snippets

My personal collection of Sublime Text snippets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sublime Text - Snippets

These are the snippets that I use in all of my installations of Sublime Text. Geared towards the person workin with Laravel and its environment.


To install the snippets in your sublime, you will have to clone this repo into your own computer(s).

In your terminal, run the following command

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/
git clone

This will create a directory called snippets which will contain all of the snippets.

That's it! It's that easy.

Contributions and suggestions welcomed!!!

What's in the box

PHP Class Methods

Public Method

  • Shortcut: met
public function [METHOD_NAME]()

Private Method

  • Shortcut: pmet
private function [METHOD_NAME]()

Protected Method

  • Shortcut: prmet
protected function [METHOD_NAME]()

Public Static Method

  • Shortcut: smet
public static function [METHOD_NAME]()

Construct Method

  • Shortcut: cmet
public function __construct()

PHP Helpers

Die & Dump

  • Shortcut: dd For those of us that use Laravel, dd() is missed when working outside the framework. Here is a workaround.

Laravel Views

Blade Variable Echo

Quick helper for outputting variables in blade templates.

{{ $var }}

Laravel Relationships

Laravel relationships are easy to write and now they take a second or two. Big thank you to Adam Wathan for the original idea on these. Modified a little bit for my personal preference. I mostly label my relationships to make sense regardless of my model's name. There is a stop at the method name, a second, optional, stop for the model's name and in some cases another stop to specify the table's field name.


  • Shortcut: belt
public function relationship()
    return $this->belongsTo(Relationship::class, 'field_name');


  • Shortcut: belm
public function relationship()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Relationship::class, 'field_name');


  • Shortcut: hasm
public function relationship()
    return $this->hasMany(Relationship::class, 'field_name');


  • Shortcut: haso
public function relationship()
    return $this->hasOne(Relationship::class);

Laravel Models

Fillable Fields Array

  • Shortcut: fil
 * @var array
protected $fillable = ['FIELD'];


Test Method

Quick helper for scaffolding a new test method.

public function testName()


My personal collection of Sublime Text snippets