vicesoftware / react-redux-hooks-boilerplate

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This is a React boilerplate focused on enabling high developer velocity while implementing idiomatic Redux Hooks and React Hooks.

Overview Video

Here's a video that walks through some of the major features of this boilerplate.



If you are wanting to just get an idea of the features the boilerplate offers you should also checkout in the Feature Module Generation in VS Code section of this readme

Table of Contents

Installation and Running

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

Note that the app supports docker for projects that want to use micorservices. Because of this the Web Application is in the webApp folder.


All of the commands below require you to be in the webApp directory

npm start

  • Runs the app in the development mode.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
  • The page will reload if you make edits.
  • Prettier will run and auto-format your code whenever a file is saved.
  • You will also see any lint errors in the console.
    • Currently lint errors get written out twice. We will try and fix this soon.

npm test

  • Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
  • See the section about running tests for more information.


You must place node-module mocks in the webapp/src/__mocks__ director because create-react-app reset Jest's roots config for performance reasons. I lost half a day on figuring this out so figured I'd share. The PR is below.

npm run build

  • Builds the app for production to the build folder.
  • It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
  • The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
  • Your app is ready to be deployed!
  • See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject


This is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can’t go back!**

If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own.

You don’t have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.

Docker Support

To run the Web Application in a docker container from the root directory execute the command below.

docker-compose up

The code running in the container uses a mapped volume and will have all the same features as when you run npm start from webApp directory (file watching for prettier, rebuild, etc...). The main difference is that you won't get as pretty formatted output (no colors, etc...) and you won't be able to click on the source code paths to jump to the file.


These are the goals of this boilerplate

Good Starting Point

We don't want to waste time or our clients budgets rewriting the same code over and over for things every web app needs like

  • authentication
  • authorization
  • popups (errors, notifications)
  • busy indicators
  • caching
  • forms and validations
  • ect...

High Developer Ergonomics

We want to make sure that

  • developers are able to do the 80% they need to do most often easily without a lot of boilerplate
  • new developers on the project can get up and running quickly and modify the code confidently

Create Software with High Asset Value

It's much easier to create software that is a liability, that offers little value to the sponsors without the team that wrote it. We want the systems built with this boilerplate to be easy to transfer from one team to another. We often help clients to build apps that their own teams will take over one day and want that transfer to be as easy as possible.

Maximize the Value of the Tools we are Using

We don't want to include libraries because they are popular, we want to include them because they add value that we want to take advantage of. So for example if we are using Redux then we want to take advantage of the valuable features it provide (dev tooling, serializable state, etc...).

Scale Well in Complex Apps

We want to make sure that if the projects that use this boilerplate become successful and complex overtime that they won't outgrow the patterns, infrastructure and best practices.


Below are some of the features that we've added to this boilerplate

Feature Module Generation in VS Code

Our architecture uses a pattern we call Feature Module and we have added a blueprint template that will allow generating a working Feature Module from the context menu. The video below walks through quickly creating a feature using this approach.

Generating Feature Modules

To take advanatage of this feature you need to use Visual Studio Code with the Blueprint Templates plugin. Once you have Blueprint installed then you can simply:

  1. Right click on a folder

  2. Select the Feature Module template

  3. Enter the name of your new feature

Now you will have a new feature module created like the one showed below.

Authentication Flow with Redux

We provide a login flow that you can plug in Auth0 or whatever IDP you like to use. Our authentication flow will allow you to call your IDP and handles redirecting from protected routes to Sign In page for you as well as redirecting back to the calling page after successful sign in. The user profile returned from your IDP will be put into redux and available on the state.userContext slice.


You can watch a video demonstrating this feature in the Overview Video section.

Permission Based Authorization with Redux

We have added withRestrictedAccess(component, permissions) HOC which takes permissions array that will be cross referenced with state.userContext.permissions automatically and prevent access for users without the configured permissions.


You can watch a video demonstrating this feature in the Overview Video section.

Redux Caching

Via the doAsync module that can be easily used with createAsyncThunk from redux-toolkit we support redux caching. Passing useCaching: true to doAsync({url, useCaching: true}) will not go to the server if the data has already been fetched and is in redux.


You can watch a video demonstrating this feature in the Overview Video section.

Background Loading

Via the doAsync module that can be easily used with createAsyncThunk from redux-toolkit we support background loading of data via API calls. Passing noBusySpinner: true to doAsync({url, noBusySpinner: true}) will start a call to the API but not turn on the busy indicator. Note that if a call comes through for the same url before the first background call returns then the busy spinner will be turned on and the API will not be called and the current request will not be sent to the API.


You can watch a video demonstrating this feature in the Overview Video section.

Busy Indicator with Redux

The busyIndicator module allows for redux based busy indicator management. Our doAsync module will automoatically turn on and off the busy indicator for you as you call the API. You can also manually turn on and off the busy indicator and there is support for named busy indicators allowing for creating regional busy indicators.


You can watch a video demonstrating this feature in the Overview Video section.

Automatic Linting and Code Beutification

Every time a file is saved when the app is running in dev via npm start that file will be beautified via prettier and the prettier rules have been configured to match the eslint rules.

Circular Dependency Detection

If you introduce a circular dependency in your import statements the build will fail and you will be forced to fix it by refactoring your code. If circular references aren't fixed you will eventually get a very hard to fix object null null type of exception. This usually happens after there are a lot of circular references in the code making cleaning all up difficult and expensive.

Folder Structure

We are using the folder structure described below.

  • webapp: contains the web app source
    • features: one folder for each app feature (userProfile, orders, accounts, etc...)
    • infrastructure: contains code that is a cross cutting concern but not a component (httpCache, doAsync, etc...)
    • widgets: contains reusable UI widgets (NavBar, Modal, NotificationPopup, etc...)


Below are patterns we use and best practices we recommend.

Feature Module Pattern

The feature module pattern is the pattern we recommend for organizing a feature in the application where a feature is a set of functionality that uses one or more Redux reducer slices. Basically, this means any feature of your app that uses redux. This could be a widget like a busy indicator or a domain specific feature like a document list. You can easily create feature modules using the technique described in the Feature Module Generation in VS Code secont above.


You can watch a video on generating a Feature Module in the Feature Module Generation in VS Code section.

Module Structure

A feature module is designed to be contained using the module approach found in node JS. We can thinkg of each features as being a self contained node module. It's desirable that if you write a component that could be used in another project that you could easily move the files over to the new project and using this organization will give you that benifit. Each module is made up of a folder with the following files.

- demo
-- index.js
-- demo.slice.js
-- demo.asyncActions.js
-- demo.selectors.js
-- Demo.js


Not all files are required in all cases


This file defines the public interface of the module and allows us to be explicity about how it should be used.


In Javascript it's possible for anyone to import any file so the goal here is to express intent not to prevent misuse.

Every export in this file is something that you can easily import else where in the system. The structure of this file is

import Demo from './Demo'
import * as selectors from './demo.selectors'
import * as asyncActions from './demo.asyncActions'
import slice from './demo.slice'

export const {
	actions: { updateFilter },
} = slice

export const { fetchAllDemo } = asyncActions

// we prefix all selectors with the the "select" prefix
export const { selectAllDemo, selectDemoFilter } = selectors

// we export the component most likely to be desired by default
export default Demo


We are using redux-toolkit and they recommend following an approach called dux where you put all your actions and selectors and other data flow code in a a single file. We are not following that here. Instead we have put ./module-name.selectors.js and ./module-name.asyncActions.js in seperate files and this is because we find these get large over time in complex systems. redux-toolkit is being responsive to it's users complaints about having to modify too many files when they make changes but we feel that the benifits in a large system out weigh this concern.


What we are exporting is:


This is available to consumers and should be used as the name of the slice on the root reducer as shown below:


The name is part of the slice created by redux-toolkit's createSlice() builder function.


This is available to consumers and should be used as the reducer for this module and mounted to the root reducer:

NOTE: The name is part of the slice created by redux-toolkit's createSlice() builder function.


Here we destructure each action that we wanted exported from the colloction of actions that will be created for us by redux-toolkit's createSlice() builder function.

import Demo from './Demo'
import * as selectors from './demo.selectors'
import * as asyncActions from './demo.asyncActions'
import slice from './demo.slice'

export const {
	actions: { updateFilter },  // <=== export each action here
} = slice

Each of these actions will be created for us when we build our slice as shown below.

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import * as asyncActions from './demo.asyncActions'

const initialState = {
	allDemo: [],
	filter: '',

const slice = createSlice({
	name: 'demo',
	reducers: {
		// synchronous actions
		updateFilter(state, action) {  // <=== action to be exported
			state.filter = action.payload
	extraReducers: {
		// asynchronous actions
		[asyncActions.fetchAllDemo.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
			state.allDemo = action.payload

export default slice

export const { name, actions, reducer } = slice

In the above example when we declare reducders as an object with a updateFilter() method, under the hood redux-toolkit will create an action for us and make it available on the slice.actions collection.

As part of the feature module pattern when we add a new action/reducer function to our slice's reducer section we need to also export it from our index.js file if it's meant to be available to other modules in the system.


It is possible that you would want to have actions that are only used internal to your module.


We destructure each of our asyncActions that we want available externally.

// removed for clarity

import * as asyncActions from './demo.asyncActions'

// removed for clarity

export const { fetchAllDemo } = asyncActions

// removed for clarity

We destructure each of our asyncActions that we want available externally.

// removed for clarity

import * as selectors from './demo.selectors'

// removed for clarity

// we prefix all selectors with the the "select" prefix
export const { selectAllDemo, selectDemoFilter } = selectors

// removed for clarity

Each generated selector file will have a selectSlice function defined like shown below.

import slice from './demo.slice'

export const selectSlice = (state) => state[]

export const selectAllDemo = (state) => selectSlice(state).allDemo

This function should be used to access the root of the slice as it will use and allow for easier refactoring of the slice name.


See the Only access redux state in selectors and Always collocate selectors with reducers best practices.

Infrastructure Components

Here we document the APIs of the infrastructure components.


This is our most feature packed module. It is a thunk builder that allows easily wiring up asynchronous calls to the API with full redux support. It can be used inside Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk builder function or stand alone. It's common usage is shown below.

export const fetchAllDemo = createAsyncThunk(
	async ({ useCaching, noBusySpinner } = {}, thunkArgs) =>
		await doAsync({
			url: 'demo',
			successMessage: 'Demo loaded',
			errorMessage: 'Unable to load demo. Please try again later.',
			stubSuccess: ['Dummy item 1', 'Dummy item 2'],


doAsync only takes on argument which is a config object with the properties shown below.

Properties Description Default
url Specifies the API endpoint to call where a url is build with 'transport://host/api-prefix/endpoint'. doAsync will build the url with the correct transport, host, and api-prefix for the current environment. no default, must be specified
httpMethod Specifies the http verb to use. 'get'
errorMessage An error message to show to the user using the popupNotification module after a reqeust returns an error code. 'Unable to process request. Please try again later.'
successMessage A sucess message to show to the user using the popupNotification module after a request returns successfully. no default, optional
httpConfig doAsync uses fetch internally. doAsync will provide reasonable defaults for the request argument to fetch(url, request) which will include configurations for authentication, accept, etc... However, you can specify any values for the request argument to fetch here and they will override the defaults provided by doAsync no default, option
onError Callback that can be used to have code called when an error occurs. no default, optional
noBusySpinner If true then no busyIndicator won't be incremented for this request. Note that if an additional request comes through for the same url and httpMethod with noBusySpinner set to false before the previous request with noBusySpinner set to true completes then the busyIndicator will be incremented and the current request will not be sent to the API. false
busyIndicatorName Name of the busyIndicator to increment no default, optional
useCaching If true then subsequent requests to the same url and httpMethod (and body for POST, PUT, UPDATE) will not be sent to the server. This will allow components to use the data in Redux as a cache for better responsivness for the users. false
stubSuccess Specifies a dummy body to return to the caller. This is intended to be used to get UIs built before the APIs are ready. If you specify an object or array here it will be returned to the caller after a delay which will allow simulated busy indicator. no default, optional
stubError Same as stubSuccess except will return an error code and reject the promise no default, optional


The busy indicator module allows for easy busy indicator functionality. To show a busy indicator simply wrap your components in the BusyIndicator component as shown below.

				onChange={(e) => dispatch(updateFilter(}
				placeholder='Filter by...'
					{demo &&
							.filter((item) => (filter ? item.includes(filter) : true))
							.map((item) => <li key={item}>{item}</li>)}

The busy indicator integrates with doAsync and will show by default when any request is pending that was called with noBusySpinner set to false will decrement the global busy indicator. If you want to have more than one busy indicator then pass doAsync a busyIndicatorName and then put that name on your busy indicator instance as shown below.

// foo.asyncActions.js
doAsync({ url, busyIndicatorName: 'foo'})

// bar.asyncActions.js
doAsync({ url, busyIndicatorName: 'bar'})

// SomeComponent.js

<BusyIndicator name="foo">  // will only show buys for "foo"
   // foo related components

// other components

<BusyIndicator name="bar">  // will only show buys for "bar"
   // bar related components


An HOC that allows creating components that support authentication and authorization.

Authenticated Component

To require a user be authenticated simply wrap your component in WithRestrictedAccess as shown below.

import React from 'react'
import { WithRestrictedAccess } from './userContext'

const Authenticated = () => <h2>Authenticated</h2>

export default WithRestrictedAccess(Authenticated)

Authorized Comopnent

To create a component that requires one or more premission pass an array of strings to the WithRestrictedAccess as shown below.

import React from 'react'
import { WithRestrictedAccess } from './userContext'

const Authorized = () => <h2>Authorized Page</h2>

export default WithRestrictedAccess(Authorized, ['can-do-foo', 'can-do-bar`])


To show popup notifications use the actions in the popupNotification module shown below.

Action Description
notifyError Will show an error popup
notifySuccess Will show an information stype popup
resetError Will reset the popup so that it won't be shown again
closePopup Will close the popup

Best Practices

Below are best practices we recommend following.

Only access redux state in selectors

We recommend only accessing state from selectors and not directly in components.


// Foo.js

// Inside component
const foo = useSelector(selectFoo) // loosely coupled


// Foo.js

// Inside component
const foo = useSelector(state => // couples component to state shape

This approach greatly improves your ability to refacotor you state atom shape and improve it over time by incorporating patterns like normalization.

Always collocate selectors with reducers

The creator of Redux, Dan Abromov's, recomends collocating selectors with reducers and we agree. While Dan shows doing this by keeping selectors in the reducer file you can also collocate by keeping the selectors in the same module and then bundling everything into the same module in your index.js file as shown in our Module Structure section above.


Below are configurations supported in this boilerplate.

API Proxy

coming soon...

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Code Splitting

This section has moved here:

Analyzing the Bundle Size

This section has moved here:

Making a Progressive Web App

This section has moved here:

Advanced Configuration

This section has moved here:


This section has moved here:

npm run build fails to minify

This section has moved here:



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