vicesoftware / dotnet-identity-microservice

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.NET Microservice and Docker

This is a sample project for a microservice written in .NET Core 2.2 and C# that accesses a Postgres DB. The goal of this project is to establish a smooth process for test drive development (TDD) of the microservice leveraging the power of Docker container and the docker-compose tool.

Ryan’s Notes

I’m trying to get identity working using Cognito as Prashanth and I discussed. This repo is based on Gabriel`s .net boilerplate:

Gabriel’s article will be very helpful to find commands for starting and stopping docker compose files and for general workflow.

To try and get this to work I added docker-compose-run-watch.yml file that contains a compose that attempts to start

  1. ASP.Net Core API

  2. nginx proxy

  3. postgres db (note db isn’t currently used by api)

Current Status

Below is the command line flow and I’m getting an error as shown at the end.

~/code/BOASvNext.Identity [master] $ cd api
~/code/BOASvNext.Identity/api [master] $ docker image build -t boas-vnext-identity/api:1.0 .Sending build context to Docker daemon  14.85kB
Step 1/6 : FROM
2.2: Pulling from dotnet/core/sdk
092586df9206: Already exists
ef599477fae0: Already exists
4530c6472b5d: Already exists
d34d61487075: Already exists
642aea159562: Already exists
8853a497ba65: Already exists
1f9d522432e0: Already exists
Digest: sha256:a0e1def091c695ad2c6cd3cdb0359193246a4f8f4093d0030c74ec2a3edc0ae3
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> f13ac9d68148
Step 2/6 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Running in ae147ee72af2
Removing intermediate container ae147ee72af2
 ---> 16add0253dd6
Step 3/6 : COPY api.csproj ./
 ---> 8b64dfb8cdf7
Step 4/6 : RUN dotnet restore
 ---> Running in 5c494cf7ad0b
  Restore completed in 739.74 ms for /app/api.csproj.
Removing intermediate container 5c494cf7ad0b
 ---> ef9e4d7cbb2e
Step 5/6 : COPY . .
 ---> 19a60f0278a3
Step 6/6 : CMD dotnet run
 ---> Running in 85bc491558bd
Removing intermediate container 85bc491558bd
 ---> 7dfbd7c26e8f
Successfully built 7dfbd7c26e8f
Successfully tagged boas-vnext-identity/api:1.0
~/code/BOASvNext.Identity/api [master] $ cd ..
~/code/BOASvNext.Identity [master] $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-run-watch.yml up -d
Pulling db (postgres:12.0-alpine)...
12.0-alpine: Pulling from library/postgres
9d48c3bd43c5: Already exists
f112202a5fec: Already exists
e2827e7bbe4a: Already exists
5ce43a1630c4: Already exists
13772e4e58b6: Already exists
a9c3c1abc664: Already exists
b8495f782617: Already exists
8ba4145edc35: Already exists
Digest: sha256:fe9a6bf89c50fb3c6755c0c2d67cb09dc8e90ac468b3212167700b155c902a5d
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgres:12.0-alpine
Building reverseproxy
Step 1/2 : FROM nginx
latest: Pulling from library/nginx
b8f262c62ec6: Already exists
e9218e8f93b1: Already exists
7acba7289aa3: Already exists
Digest: sha256:aeded0f2a861747f43a01cf1018cf9efe2bdd02afd57d2b11fcc7fcadc16ccd1
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest
 ---> f949e7d76d63
Step 2/2 : COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
 ---> 34e931a16197

Successfully built 34e931a16197
Successfully tagged boasvnextidentity_reverseproxy:latest
WARNING: Image for service reverseproxy was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Starting boasvnextidentity_db_1 ...
Recreating boasvnextidentity_api_1 ... error

ERROR: for boasvnextidentity_api_1  no such image: sha256:b78dc7f40bfb21e10ebcdadac28191c2087ab4cd5b2fb54150e323077be2f08d: No such image: sha256:b78dc7f40bfb21e10ebcdadac28191c2087ab4cd5b2fb54150e323077be2f08d

Some helpful commands

Here are some helpful commmands

docker image build -t boas-vnext-identity/api:1.0 .

Will build the api app. Note that is must be run from ./api directory and note the . on the end of the command, very import.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-run-watch.yml up --build

Will build the containers needed by the docker compose docker-compose-run-watch.yml

docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Will delete all images if you want to try and start from a clean slate

docker images

See all images

docker ps

See all running containers

docker rm <container id>

removes a container

docker-compose -f docker-compose-run-watch.yml down -v

Will stop all containers started by docker-compose-run-watch.yml

docker-compose -f docker-compose-run-watch.yml up -d

Will run containers in docker-compose-run-watch.yml in discounnected mode so that you can still use the console

`docker `

Notes for Demo :

Trying to access endpoint without authorization

GET : localhost:5000/api/values

Sigining up a User

POST : localhost:5000/api/register
 "Username" : "ryan",
 "Password" : "Ryan_Password1",
 "Email" : ""

Confirm the User from Cognito console for now

Sign up the user

POST : localhost:5000/api/signin
 "Username" : "ryan",
 "Password" : "Ryan_Password1"

Try the endpoint with authorization

GET : localhost:5000/api/values
Header :  Authorization : Bearer <bearer token>



Language:C# 96.1%Language:Dockerfile 3.9%