vicboma1 / Unitor-Micro-Architecture

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Unitor - Micro Architecture based on the best agile frameworks :




event EventHandler OnPostInitialize;
event EventHandler OnPreInitialize;
IInjector injector{ get; }
IContext Configure<T>() where T : class;
IContext PreInitialize();
IContext PostInitialize();
IContext AddConfigHandler(IMatcher matcher, Action<object> handler);	
IContext Install<T> () where T : IExtensionable ;



void Install<T>() where T : IExtensionable;
void Clear();



void AddConfig<T> () where T : class;
void AddConfigHandler(IMatcher matcher, Action<object> process);
void Destroy ();


Injector - Based on Java Injector (Open Source)

IInjector parent { get; set; }
IInjector CreateChild();
bool HasMapping <T>(object name = null);
InjectionMapping Map<T>(object name = null);
void Unmap<T>(object name = null);
bool Satisfies<T>(object name = null);
InjectionMapping GetMapping<T>(object name = null);
void Into(object target);
T GetInstance<T>(object name = null, Type targetType = null);
T GetOrCreateNewInstance<T>();
T InstantiateUnmapped<T>();
void DestroyInstance(object instance);
void Teardown();



void Execute (IEvent evt);
IPromise<T> ExecuteAsync (IEvent evt);
IPromise<T> ExecuteAsync (IEvent evt, IPromise promise);
void Add<T> (Enum type, Action<T> listener);
void Add (Enum type, Action<IEvent> listener);
void Add (Enum type, Action<IEventInjector> listener);
void Add (Enum type, Action<IEventContext> listener);
void Add (Enum type, Action listener);
void Add(Enum type, Delegate listener);
void Remove<T>(Enum type, Action<T> listener);
void Remove(Enum type, Action<IEvent> listener);
void Remove(Enum type, Action<IEventInjector> listener);
void Remove(Enum type, Action<IEventContext> listener);
void Remove(Enum type, Action listener);
void Remove(Enum type, Delegate listener);
void Clear();
bool Contains (Enum type);

IEvent { Enum type {	get; } }
IEventInjector : IEvent { IInjector injector { get;} }
IEventContext : IEventInjector { IContext context { get;} }



event EventHandler addEventHandler;
event EventHandler removeEventHandler;
event EventHandler disableEventHandler;
event EventHandler enableEventHandler;



event EventHandler addEventHandler;
event EventHandler removeEventHandler;
IPromise<Enumerable<float>> Visible(Adapter adapter);
IPromise<Enumerable<float>> Hidden(Adapter adapter);


Command Map

ICommandMapper Map<T>(Enum type);
ICommandUnMapper Unmap<T>(Enum type);
ICommandMapperAsync Map<T>(Enum type);
ICommandUnMapperAsync Unmap<T>(Enum type);


void FromCommandAsync<T>();
void FromCommand<T>();
void FromAll();

ICommandConfigurator ToCommand<T>();
ICommandConfigurator ToCommandAsync<T>();

ICommandConfigurator WithGuards(params object[] guards);
ICommandConfigurator WithHooks(params object[] hooks);
ICommandConfigurator Once(bool value = true);



 static void ToValue(object _this);
 static void Into(object _this);
 bool ToTypeField (object _this);
 static IContext GetContext();
protected virtual void Awake();
protected virtual void Start();
[PostConstruct]public virtual void PostStart();
protected static IContext GetContext ();

public class MonoConfigurable : MonoInject , IConfigurable {
virtual void Configure();

public class MonoAdapterView : AdapterMonoView { }

public class MonoController : MonoInject { }

public class MonoManager : MonoInject { }

object view { get; }



IPromise<float> CrossFadeAlpha (Image image, float alpha, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale);
IPromise<float> CrossFadeAlpha (Slider slider, float alpha, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale);
IPromise<float> CrossFadeAlpha (Text text, float alpha, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale);
IPromise<float> CrossFadeColor (CanvasRenderer canvasRenderer, Color targetColor, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale, bool useAlpha, bool useRGB);



static IPromise<Z> Execute(IContext context);



internal static T GetInstanceProperty(string _className, string propertyName);
internal static T GetInstanceField(object instance, string fieldName);
internal static T GetInstanceStaticMethod(Type instance, string fieldName);
internal static T GetInstanceStaticMethod(Type instance, string fieldName, object[] obj);
internal static T CreateInstanceDefaultExpressionLambda(Type instance);
internal static T CreateInstanceConstructor(Type instance);
internal static T CreateInstanceConstructor(Type instance, Type[] typesObject, object[] obj);



void Execute(); 
IPromise<T> ExecuteAsync(); 

void Configure(); 

void Dispose ();

void Extension(IContext context);

[PostConstruct] void PostStart();

T Update<T>();

T FixedUpdate<T>();


class ToInterface
class ToTypeValue
class ToResourceAsync



  void Done(Action<T> onResolved, Action<Exception> onRejected);
  void Done(Action<T> onResolved);
  void Done();
  IPromise<T> Catch(Action<Exception> onRejected);
  IPromise<Z> Then<Z>(Func<T, IPromise<Z>> onResolved);
  IPromise<T> Then(Action<T> onResolved);
  IPromise<Z> Then<Z>(Func<T, IPromise<Z>> onResolved, Action<Exception> onRejected);
  IPromise<T> Then(Action<T> onResolved, Action<Exception> onRejected);
  IPromise<Z> Then<Z>(Func<T, Z> transform);
  IPromise<IEnumerable<Z>> All<Z>(Func<T, IEnumerable<IPromise<Z>>> chain);
  IPromise<Z> Once<Z>(Func<T, IEnumerable<IPromise<Z>>> chain);



Ejemplo Context

El contexto será visible a través de la MetaData "[Inject] public IContext context;" en todas las clases que estén especificadas en el injector

context = Context.Create ();
	 .Install<AdapterMonoView> ()
	 .Configure<PuzzleGameConfigure> ()
	 .Configure<XXXX> ()
	 .Configure<ZZZZ> ()
  • Context.Create () crea el injector y añade las dependencias del configurator, eventDispatcher, eventCommandMap y el installador.

  • PostInitialize() se llama cuando termina la carga de la Escena o el Start de todos los MonoBehaviour.

Ejemplo Installer

Se llama al Pattern "void Extension(IContext context)" de la clase e injecta la dependencia "AdapterMonoView" en el injector. Es como una configuración independiente al Framework añadida al injector.

context = Context.Create ();
	 .Install<AdapterMonoView> ();
private IInjector injector;
private IMonoView monoView;
public void Extension (IContext context)
   injector = context.injector;
      if (context.injector.HasDirectMapping (typeof(IMonoView)))
      HandleContextView (context.injector.GetInstance (typeof(IMonoView)));
    context.AddConfigHandler (
        new InstanceOfMatcher (typeof(IMonoView)), HandleContextView);
private void HandleContextView(object _newMonoView)
    var newMonoView = (IMonoView)_newMonoView;
    if (monoView != null || newMonoView == null)
   this.monoView = newMonoView;
   if (injector.HasDirectMapping (typeof(IAdapterView)))
   var viewStateWatcher = GetAdapterView(monoView.view);
   if (viewStateWatcher == null)
      Debug.LogError ("No se puede crear la vista!.");

Ejemplo Configurator

Permite al contexto añadir una configuración donde se definen las especificaciones. Se añaden sus dependencias a través del Pattern "void Configure();". PreInitialize() inizialize la configuración y llama a Configure que lanzará automáticamente el evento "OnPreInitialize".

context = Context.Create ();
	 .Configure<PuzzleGameConfigure> ()

En la clase que tenemos implementado el Pattern "void Configure();" tenemos acceso a los injects y a las instalaciones del contexto

public class PuzzleGameConfigure {
	public IInjector injector;

	public IContext context;

	public IEventDispatcher dispatcher;

	public IEventCommandMap eventCommandMap;
	public override void Configure(){
		// Mi configuración....

Ejemplo Injector

El injector será visible a través de la MetaData "[Inject] public IInject injector;" en todas las clases que estén configuradas en el injector.


public class PuzzleGameConfigure {
	public override void Configure(){

		// To Value => Siempre la misma clase instanciada para el mismo tipo de dato.
		injector.Map<Touch>().ToValue (Touch.Create ());
		injector.Map<TopRectangleScoreModel> ().ToValue (TopRectangleScoreModel.Create ());
		injector.Map<PointCache>().ToValue (PointCache.Create ());
		injector.Map<LineCache>().ToValue (LineCache.Create ());
		injector.Map<LinkedNodeControllerCache>().ToValue (LinkedNodeControllerCache.Create ());
		var singletonHelloWorld = SingletonGameObject<HelloWorld>().Instance;
		-> o usar una turbo cache en el editor y habilitar el SetActive del gameObject.

		// To Type => Instancias de clases prototipadas para usar dentro de un método; 
		// En el momento que la llamada acabe, se hace un UnMap de esta variable automáticamente en el injector.
		// Si se define la variable en el Scope de la clase, no funcionará o será null cuando la llames.

		//To Singleton => Crea directamente la instancia 

Ejemplo Dispatcher

Se puede usar sin un "ICommand" el Dispatcher para el uso de "IService"


public override void Configure(){
   dispatcher.Add (HelloWorldEvent.Type.END_COUNT_ACTION, HelloWorldAction.Listener());


public class HelloWorldEvent : Event
	public enum Type { HELLO_EVENT, HELLO_ACTION }
	public string Said { get; private set;}
	public static HelloWorldEvent Create(){
            return new HelloWorldEvent ();

	HelloWorldEvent () : base(Type.HELLO_EVENT) {
	    Said ="Hello World!";


public class HelloWorldAction
    public static Action<IEventInjector> Listener () {
       return (IEventInjector eventInjector) => {
          var injector = eventInjector.injector;
          var helloWorldEvent = injector.GetInstance<HelloWorldEvent>();

Lanzo el servicio:

   dispatcher.Execute (EventInjector.Create (HelloWorldEvent.Type.HELLO_ACTION, injector ));

Ejemplo Adapter

Definimos un GameObject en el Editor y le añadimos un Componente que extienda de "MonoAdapterView". Automáticamente se añadirá al injector y tendremos acceso a las dependencias en el método [PostConstruct]public void PostStart().

public class TopRectangleScoreAdapter : MonoAdapterView {

	public IInjector vinjector;

	public Text countDownText;
	public Slider countDownGage;
	public float countDownTimeLength;

	public Text[] scoreTexts;

	protected override void Awake(){
		base.Awake ();

	protected override void Start () {
		base.Start ();
	public void PostStart(){
	void Update () {

Ejemplo Controller

Definimos un GameObject en el Editor y le añadimos un Componente que extienda de "MonoController". Automáticamente se añadirá al injector y tendremos acceso a las dependencias en el método [PostConstruct]public void PostStart().

public class NodeController: MonoController
	public IInjector injector;
	public MonoAdapterView NodeAdapter;

	public int id;
	public PuzzleController puzzleController { get; set;}
	public string _name;

	public NodeModel model;

	public NodeAnimationController animationController;

	public Vector3 localPosition {
		get { return NodeAdapter.transform.localPosition; }
		set { NodeAdapter.transform.localPosition = value; }
	protected override void Awake(){
		base.Awake ();
		model = NodeModel.Create ();
		animationController = NodeAnimationController.Create (this);
		_name =;

	protected override void Start(){
		base.Start ();

	public override void PostStart(){

Ejemplo Command


public override void Configure(){
  dispatcher.Add (CountDownTimerEndCountEvent.Type.END_COUNT_ACTION, CountDownTimerEndCountAction.Listener());

Cuando lance el comando "UpdateScoreCommand" llamaré al evento "UpdateScoreEvent".


Obligado que el "Type" esté dentro siempre del evento que vamos a lanzar. Está automatizado.

public class CountDownTimerEndCountEvent : Event

	public static CountDownTimerEndCountEvent Create(){
		return new CountDownTimerEndCountEvent ();

	CountDownTimerEndCountEvent () : base(Type.END_COUNT_EVENT) {

Al comando se le pueden injectar las dependencias. Dentro del comando harè un "dispatcher.Execute" de la accion "END_COUNT_ACTION".

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CountDownTimerEndCountCommand : ICommand {

	public IInjector injector;

	public IEventDispatcher dispatcher;

	public CountDownTimerEndCountEvent countDownTimerEndCountEvent;

	public PuzzleControllerUpdate puzzleControllerUpdate{ get; private set;}

	public PuzzleConfiguration puzzleConfiguration{ get; private set; }

	public void Execute() {
		Debug.Log (" COMMAND Type.END_COUNT_ACTION *********************** ");

		puzzleController.endMovingNodeModel ();

		puzzleConfiguration.isPause = true;

		dispatcher.Execute (EventInjector.Create (CountDownTimerEndCountEvent.Type.END_COUNT_ACTION, injector ));

Un "Action" es un servicio que hace algo.

public class UpdateScoreAction
    public static Action<IEventInjector> Listener () {
       return (IEventInjector eventInjector) => {
          var injector = eventInjector.injector;
		var managerDialog = injector.GetInstance<ManagerDialog>();
		managerDialog.SetActive (Constants.END_DIALOG, true);


Configuración Asíncrona:

public override void Configure(){

Cuando lance el comando "UpdateScoreCommandAsync" llamaré al evento "UpdateScoreEvent".

      .Then(()=> {
      	  Debug.Log("Obtengo la respuesta cuando acaba mi comando");

Obligado que el "Type" esté dentro siempre del evento que vamos a lanzar. Está automatizado.

public class CountDownTimerEndCountEvent : Event
	public enum Type { END_COUNT_EVENT }

	public static CountDownTimerEndCountEvent Create(){
		return new CountDownTimerEndCountEvent ();

	CountDownTimerEndCountEvent () : base(Type.END_COUNT_EVENT) {

La definicion del comando asíncrono nos obliga a implementar ICommandAsync

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CountDownTimerEndCountCommand : ICommandAsync {

	public IInjector injector;

	public IEventDispatcher dispatcher;

	public CountDownTimerEndCountEvent countDownTimerEndCountEvent;

	public PuzzleControllerUpdate puzzleControllerUpdate{ get; private set;}

	public PuzzleConfiguration puzzleConfiguration{ get; private set; }

	public IPromise ExecuteAsync(IEvent event, IPromise promise)  {
	   Debug.Log (" COMMAND Type.END_COUNT_ACTION *********************** ");

	   //Game resolve the promise
	   puzzleController.endMovingNodeModel (promise);

	   puzzleConfiguration.isPause = true;
	   return promise;

El "Action se suprime y resolvemos la lógica del servicio en la resolución de la promesa Un "Action" es un servicio que hace algo.

      .Then(()=> {
      	      .SetActive (Constants.END_DIALOG, true)
      	      .Then((enumerable)=> {
      	            	  Debug.Log("Obtengo la respuesta");

Ejemplo Mono

Clase que automatiza la llamada al contexto e injector de nuestros MonoBehaviour en el editor

public class MonoInject : MonoBehaviour {
	protected virtual void Awake(){
		var _injector = GetInjector ();
		var _type = this.GetType ();
		if (!_injector.HasMapping (_type))
			_injector.Map (_type).ToValue (this);

	protected virtual void Start(){
		GetInjector ().Into(this);
	protected static IContext GetContext () {
		return Reflection<IContext>.GetInstanceProperty (Main.NAME, Context.NAME);

	protected static IInjector GetInjector () {
		return GetContext().injector;

	public virtual void PostStart(){


Ejemplo Graphic

Sobreescribe la clase abstract de UnityEngine para otorgar una promesa en los métodos asíncronos de ITweener

	monoGraphic.CrossFadeAlpha (pauseDialogAdapter.textLogo,  alpha, 0.5F, true),
	monoGraphic.CrossFadeAlpha (pauseDialogAdapter.textBackground,  alpha, 0.5F, false)
).Then (enumerable => {


	pauseDialogAdapter.textLogo.CrossFadeAlpha(  alpha, 0.5F, true),
        pauseDialogAdapter.textBackground.CrossFadeAlpha(  alpha, 0.5F, false)
).Then (enumerable => {

Ejemplo reflector (Open Source)

Libreria que permite técnicas de reflexión para invocaciones dinámicas a los Patterns del Framework, creaciones de clases con injects, setteo de variables privates, mocks, stubs...

Ejemplo attributes

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;

public interface Ixxxxxxxx {
   void Control();

public class Controller : MonoController , Ixxxxxxxx {

        protected int a = 5;

        protected int b = 5;

        protected float c = 888F;
	public double h;
        public string str;

	public override void PostStart(){
	/ * ToTypeField availables!!! a = -10; | b = -10; | ... | str = "hola" */
		this.Control ();
	public void Control(){
		Debug.Log ("I am a Controller!!!");

	public void MonoControl(){
		Debug.Log ("I am a MonoControl!!!");

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Controller2 : MonoController {

	public Ixxxxxxxx controller;

	public override void PostStart(){
		Debug.Log ("I am a Controller 2");
		controller.Control ();

public interface ITopRectangleScoreAdapter {
	 Text countDownText { get; }
	 Slider countDownGage { get; }
	 Button countDownTimeButton{ get;}

public class TopRectangleScoreAdapter : MonoAdapterView, ITopRectangleScoreAdapter {

	public IInjector vinjector;

	public Text _countDownText;
	public Slider _countDownGage;
	public Button _countDownTimeButton;

	public Text countDownText { get; private set;}
	public Slider countDownGage { get; private set;}
	public Button countDownTimeButton{ get; private set;}

	protected override void Awake(){
		base.Awake ();

	protected override void Start () {
		base.Start ();
	public void PostStart(){
		countDownText = _countDownText;
		countDownGage = _countDownGage;
		countDownTimeLength = _countDownTimeLength;
	void Update () {

Ejemplo ResourceAsync

private static void OnAfterSceneLoadRuntimeMethod() {
	Debug.Log ("After scene loaded - Called Awake and run Configure ");
		.Execute (context)
			Debug.Load("ResourceAsync OK!")
			Debug.Load("ResourceAsync KO!")

Ejemplo promises

public void ResolvePromise() {
   var promise = Promise<String>.Resolved("Victor Bolinches");
   var completed = 0;
   promise.Then(v => { ++completed; });

public void RejectedPromise() {
   var ex = new Exception();
   var promise = Promise<int>.Rejected(ex);
   var errors = 0;
   promise.Catch(e => { ++errors; );

public void ResolvePromiseAndTriggerHandler() {
   var promise = Promise<String>();
   var completed = 0;
   promise.Then(v => { ++completed; });
   promise.Resolved("Victor Bolinches");

public void ResolvePromiseAndTriggeMultipleBuilderHandler() {
   var promise = Promise<int>();
   var completed = 0;
   	.Then(v => { ++completed; })
   	.Then(v => { ++completed; });


public void ResolvePromiseAndTriggeMultipleBuilderHandlerGeneric() {
   var promise = Promise<int>();
   var completed = "3";
   	.Then<string>(v => { chainedPromise; })
   	.Then(v => { Assert.Equal(completed, v); });


public void RejectedPromiseAndTriggerHandler() {
   var ex = new Exception();
   var promise = Promise<int>();
   var errors = 0;
   promise.Catch(e => { ++errors; );

public void RejectedPromiseAndTriggeMultipleBuilderHandler() {
   var promise = Promise<int>();
   var completed = 0;
   	.Catch(v => { ++completed; })
   	.Catch(v => { ++completed; });


public void AllPromises() {
  var promise = new Promise<string>();
  var chainedPromise1 = new Promise<int>();
  var chainedPromise2 = new Promise<int>();
  var completed = 0;

  .All(i => new List<IPromise<int>>() { chainedPromise1,chainedPromise2 } )
  .Then(result => {
     var items = result.ToArray();



public void AllDirectAndRejectedPromises() {
  var chainedPromise1 = new Promise<int>();
  var chainedPromise2 = new Promise<int>();
  var completed = 0;

   .All(i => new List<IPromise<int>>() { chainedPromise1,chainedPromise2 } )
   .Then(result => {
	   throw new ApplicationException("Shouldn't happen");
   .Catch(e => {
chainedPromise1.Reject(new ApplicationException("Error!"));	

 //**** chainedPromise1.Resolve(2);

public void OncePromises() {
  var promise = new Promise<string>();
  var chainedPromise1 = new Promise<int>();
  var chainedPromise2 = new Promise<int>();
  var completed = 0;

  .Once(i => new List<IPromise<int>>() { chainedPromise1,chainedPromise2 } )
  .Then(result => {
     var items = result.ToArray();



public void AllDirectAndRejectedPromises() {
  var chainedPromise1 = new Promise<int>();
  var chainedPromise2 = new Promise<int>();
  var completed = 0;

   .Once(i => new List<IPromise<int>>() { chainedPromise1,chainedPromise2 } )
   .Then(result => {
     var items = result.ToArray();
   .Catch(e => {
chainedPromise1.Reject(new ApplicationException("Error!"));	

public void DoneWithResolvedReject() {
  var promise = new Promise<int>();
  var callback = 0;
  var errorCallback = 0;
  var expectedValue = 5;

    value => { ++callback; },
    ex => { ++errorCallback; }


Errores Comunes


  • Cuando tenemos injecciones circulares, bidireccionales o cíclicas. Error de diseño. Debemos de tener claro que el injector actúa de forma recursiva. Si "A" contiene a "B", "B" no puede contener el Inject de "A" porque entraríamos en un loop. Lo solución es tener claro cual de las dos clases es la que tiene más fuerza. En este caso, si "A" contiene a "B", "B" puede recuperar a "A" mediante el injector. Éste está presente en todas las clases injectadas en la configuracion y accedemos a "A" a través de inject.GetInstance() o al revés en un método que no sea ni el Awake() - Start () o [PostConstruct].

Podemos crear un metodo llamado "void Initialize()" y ser llamado desde fuera para recuperar esa dependencia.

InjectorMissingMappingException: Injector is missing a mapping to handle injection into property 'XXXXXX' of object 'ZZZZZZ (ZZZZZZ)' with type 'ZZZZZZZ'. Target dependency: '[MappingId: type=XXXXXXX, key=]'
swiftsuspenders.typedescriptions.PropertyInjectionPoint.ApplyInjection (System.Object target, System.Type targetType, swiftsuspenders.Injector injector) (at /Users/james/Documents/git/swiftsuspenders-sharp/src/swiftsuspenders/typedescriptions/PropertyInjectionPoint.cs:31)
  • Si utilizamos un mapeo en el injector "ToType" en el fichero de configuración obtendremos un error

y el valor de la clase a recuperar mediante el inject será nulo. Solo se puede usar en el scope local de una llamada a un método/lambda y a través de "inject.GetOrNewCreateInstance()"

public Cuadrado cuadrado


  • Si queremos lanzar un Action sin el ICommander debemos de ejecutar la llamada con la instancia de un evento de contexto, evento de injection, evento de tipo o evento de T.


dispatcher.Add (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, PuzzleControllerPostInitializeAction.Listener ());


EventContext -> Obtiene el contexto 
EventInject -> Obtiene el injector
Event -> Obtine el Type
Event<T> -> Obtiene T

dispatcher.Execute (EventContext.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, context ));
dispatcher.Execute (EventInject.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, injector ));
dispatcher.Execute (Event.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION));
dispatcher.Execute (Event<T>.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, T ));

Muy atento a los parametros de la lambda. Recuperamos un argumento de tipo Context.

dispatcher.Execute (EventContext.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, context ));

public class PuzzleControllerPostInitializeAction {
	public static Action<IEventContext> Listener(){
		return (IEventContext eventContext) => {
			var _context = eventContext.context;

Recuperamos un argumento de tipo Inject.

dispatcher.Execute (EventInject.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, injector ));

public class PuzzleControllerPostInitializeAction {
	public static Action<EventInject> Listener(){
		return (EventInject eventInjector) => {
			var _injector = eventInjector.injector;

Recuperamos un argumento de tipo Type.

dispatcher.Execute (Event.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION ));

public class PuzzleControllerPostInitializeAction {
	public static Action<Event> Listener(){
		return (Event event) => {
			var _type = event.type;

Aquí es aconsejable pasarle un mapa siempre que se pueda.

dispatcher.Execute (Event<T>.Create (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, T ));

public class PuzzleControllerPostInitializeAction {
	public static Action<Event<T>> Listener(){
		return (Event<T> event) => {
			var _T = event.T;
  • Si queremos lanzar un ICommand debemos de ejecutar la llamada a través de la instancia de la clase del Evento. Ésta se injectará en el comando automáticamente.
dispatcher.Add (PuzzleGameConfigureEvent.Type.POST_INITIALIZE_ACTION, TopRectangleScorePostInitializeAction.Listener ());
  • Si queremos lanzar un ICommandAsync debemos de ejecutar la llamada a través de la instancia de la clase del Evento. Ésta se injectará en el comando automáticamente.

El método Execute de la clase comando debe de ser sustituido por ExecuteAsync y devolver una promise. La clase del comando debe de implementar ICommandAsync. El dispatcher debe de hacer uso del método ExecuteAsync.


public PuzzleGameConfigureCommandAsync : ICommandAsync {

	public IPromise ExecuteAsync(IEvent event, IPromise promise) {
		var promise = new Promise();
		{ ..... }
		return promise;

	Debug.Log("Victor Bolinches Marin");
