Victor Barh (vic778)


Geek Repo

Company:@JUUBIX1 Multi-cloud Solution



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Victor Barh's repositories


the Event Ticket Booking System is a Ruby on Rails application designed to facilitate the booking of tickets for various events. The system allows users to register, log in, and book tickets for events. Users can create events with details such as name, description, location, date and time, and total number of tickets available



this application consists in selling and buying articles online. each user before selling his article will be obliged to create a user account. to create a post there are fields that are required like the model of your article, the series as well as the state. it can be new or already used... the user can add favorite items on his card and each item added on the card will be calculated in terms of summation so that the user knows how much it is already.



Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce.


kill -9 $(lsof -i tcp:3000 -t)



this app is a simple investment portfolio management system that allows users to track their investments and view performance metrics. first of all the user should create an account, loggin in trougth the token and create a portfolio. the app has services to calculate the profit and lost, it has filter such as year and it can download the csv file



the Stock App application is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for managing investments, calculating profit and loss, and viewing historical performance metrics. It utilizes the backend API endpoints to interact with the database and perform the necessary calculations.



This is the backend for the Social-app web application for social media: you have a list of posts that users has posted before doing thoses actions you need to sign_up. The backend is a REST API that allows you to create, read, update and delete post. It also allows you to comment like or follow each other . This API is made these models:



the Admin Portal is a web-based application that allows administrators to manage and monitor the slots and reservations in a parking lot



this is a simple ruby class witch allow a user to choose a correct answer for a specific question. at the end it will print a notification to inform you how many correct answers you got and how many you failed.



this is a simple loyalty program -API that allows customers to create an account. after creating an account you will be asked to confirm your account through the token sent to your email address. the main objective is to encourage customers who use our services as well by earning points after purchasing a product. so far you can earn a reward depen



this is a simple backedn project for class managment where teachers can CRUD a student and assign the test to them as well. studnt will be able to login thourht their credentials generated by the teachers. teacher only teachers can manager the CRUD of the whole app even update the user role to be a teacher.



Jumia is an African e-commerce platform with different data models. I liked the professionalism of their site and wanted to clone the backend to implement my Rails skills. It also allows only an admin to create, read, update and delete category.



this is a simple exchange web app that allow users to exchange their moeny according to the currency they have choosed. it update the curency database by getting rule from an api. for that i'm using background job and sidekiq cron for schedule every single day at 07h 05 AM to run the function. if the exchange is done it create a object and so far w



Deel is a global payroll solution that helps businesses hire anyone, anywhere. Using a tech-enabled self serve process, you can now hire independent contractors or full-time employees in over 150 countries, compliantly and in minutes. I liked the professionalism of their site and wanted to clone the backend to implement my Rails skills. It also allows only an admin to create, read, update and delete actions. This API is made these models:



A console app that will help you to keep a record of different types of things you won: books, music albums, movies, and games



schematize the request that a user sends to the server to receive a response. customize the app so that rswager is the main controller so that it responds in all environments



Class Manager is a Student-Teacher Portal where techers and student can sign up and teachers can add students in their class assign task and add note by student.



in this project, I went through the devise action we can take. I didn't know it was powerful. I created the login method add google oamni and github. I created the tracktable and confirmable action. so we can have your history of when you logged in and how many per day including your IP address and occasion as well. If you try to log in 3 times with a wrong password, your account will be blocked and a token will be sent to you by email so you can unlock your account. Finally, I checked the login time setting after 30 minutes, you will be logged out because your session will have expired. This action is very useful, I think, for Upwork, because every day you have to log in again



the movie app is a simple app where you can get all movies and you can do some resarch by the word. it has a search from that render a turbo_stream result at the same sec a user is taping. it sending request to the server as long as you're taping. and it has a Javascript controller named debounce were i've created a search fonction to get the result as fast asn possble and it highlight the results. don't forget to tolk about the route where i scoped the resouces and collect the all data insteaod of an id of a movie.



the general idea is to mimic the primitive features of Calendly. An end user can visit a unique direct link to book events with someone else. These events can be free to book or require payment. Those that book events shouldn't be necessary to create an account. Those that make the events and availability slots do need an account.



Shopify is an E-commerce website where users can buy stuff. It has a payement method using `Strip` and it has a webhooks controler to check if the payemt was succed and incres the sales_acount of an item after the payemnt t has a code promo for reduice the price. when you update the price of an item localy it will be updated into the stripe database
