vibhavagarwal5 / table2vec-vibhav

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

2D CNN approach for Table2Vec

  • Run python with the following flags:

    • --comment=<insert comment> to add comments.
    • --model_type=<type> for the model type. Currently, there's convE inspired model and Computer Vision inspired model.
    • --gpu=<GPU NO> to choose the gpu rank. Skip when running distributed training.
    • --config=./config_no_conv.toml (Optional) To add additional/overriding configuration file.
    • --distributed to run the distributed training.


  • for distributed training

    • python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 -m='cv_insp' --comment='testing all data with new random table gen with/wo distr-gpu' --distributed
  • for training on single GPU:2

    • python -g=2 -m='cv_insp' --comment='testing all data with new random table gen with/wo distr-gpu'
  • Run tensorboard --logdir outputs/ for the tensorboard.

Data and model files

You can find the data and model dumps to replicate our results through this Google drive link.



Language:Python 68.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 31.8%