vhpoet / js-ilp

ILP client for browsers/Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ILP Client

A low-level JS Interledger sender/receiver library

npm standard circle codecov

This is a low-level interface to ILP, largely intended for building ILP into other Application layer protocols.

The ILP Client does:

The ILP Client does not handle:

  • Account discovery
  • Amount negotiation
  • Communication of requests from recipient to sender

For a higher-level interface that includes the above features, see the Wallet Client.


npm install --save ilp ilp-plugin-bells

Note that ledger plugins must be installed alongside this module

ITP Request / Pay

The client uses recipient-generated Interledger Payment Requests, which include the condition for the payment. This means that the recipient must first generate a payment request, which the sender then fulfills. This client library handles the generation of such requests, but not the communication of the request details from the recipient to the sender.

Requesting + Handling Incoming Payments

'use strict'

const ILP = require('ilp')
const FiveBellsLedgerPlugin = require('ilp-plugin-bells')
const receiver = ILP.createReceiver({
  _plugin: FiveBellsLedgerPlugin,
  prefix: 'ilpdemo.blue.',
  account: 'https://blue.ilpdemo.org/ledger/accounts/receiver',
  password: 'receiver'

const paymentRequest = receiver.createRequest({
  amount: 10

// XXX: user implements this

// This automatically checks the incoming transfer and fulfills the condition
receiver.on('incoming', (transfer, fulfillment) => {
  console.log('Got paid ' + paymentRequest.destinationAmount + ' for ' + paymentRequest.destinationMemo.thisIsFor)


'use strict'

const ILP = require('ilp')
const FiveBellsLedgerPlugin = require('ilp-plugin-bells')
const sender = ILP.createSender({
  _plugin: FiveBellsLedgerPlugin,
  prefix: 'ilpdemo.red.',
  account: 'https://red.ilpdemo.org/ledger/accounts/alice',
  password: 'alice'

// XXX: user implements this
const paymentRequest = { /* request from recipient */ }

  .then((paymentParams) => {
    return sender.payRequest(paymentParams)

Combined Example

'use strict'

const co = require('co')
const ILP = require('ilp')
const FiveBellsLedgerPlugin = require('ilp-plugin-bells')

const sender = ILP.createSender({
  _plugin: FiveBellsLedgerPlugin,
  prefix: 'ilpdemo.red.',
  account: 'https://red.ilpdemo.org/ledger/accounts/alice',
  password: 'alice'

const receiver = ILP.createReceiver({
  _plugin: FiveBellsLedgerPlugin,
  prefix: 'ilpdemo.blue.',
  account: 'https://blue.ilpdemo.org/ledger/accounts/bob',
  password: 'bobbob'

co(function * () {
  yield receiver.listen()
  receiver.on('incoming', (transfer, fulfillment) => {
    console.log('received transfer:', transfer)
    console.log('fulfilled transfer hold with fulfillment:', fulfillment)

  const request = receiver.createRequest({
    amount: '10',
  console.log('request:', request)

  const paymentParams = yield sender.quoteRequest(request)
  console.log('paymentParams', paymentParams)

  const result = yield sender.payRequest(paymentParams)
  console.log('sender result:', result)
}).catch((err) => {

API Reference

Sender~createSender(opts) ⇒ Sender

Returns an ILP Sender to quote and pay for payment requests.

Kind: inner method of Sender

Param Type Default Description
opts._plugin LedgerPlugin Ledger plugin used to connect to the ledger, passed to ilp-core
opts Objct Plugin parameters, passed to ilp-core
[opts.client] ilp-core.Client create a new instance with the plugin and opts ilp-core Client, which can optionally be supplied instead of the previous options
[opts.connectors] Array [] Array of connectors to use. Some ledgers provide recommended connectors while others do not, in which case this would be required to send Interledger payments.
[opts.maxHoldDuration] Number 10 Maximum time in seconds to allow money to be held for
[opts.uuidSeed] Buffer crypto.randomBytes(32) Seed to use for generating transfer UUIDs

createSender~quoteSourceAmount(destinationAddress, sourceAmount) ⇒ Promise.<String>

Get a fixed source amount quote

Kind: inner method of createSender
Returns: Promise.<String> - destinationAmount

Param Type Description
destinationAddress String ILP Address of the receiver
sourceAmount String | Number Amount the sender wants to send

createSender~quoteDestinationAmount(destinationAddress, destinationAmount) ⇒ Promise.<String>

Get a fixed destination amount quote

Kind: inner method of createSender
Returns: Promise.<String> - sourceAmount

Param Type Description
destinationAddress String ILP Address of the receiver
destinationAmount String Amount the receiver should recieve

createSender~quoteRequest(paymentRequest) ⇒ Promise.<PaymentParams>

Quote a request from a receiver

Kind: inner method of createSender
Returns: Promise.<PaymentParams> - Resolves with the parameters that can be passed to payRequest

Param Type Description
paymentRequest Object Payment request generated by an ILP Receiver

createSender~payRequest(paymentParams) ⇒ Promise.<String>

Pay for a payment request. Uses a determinstic transfer id so that paying is idempotent (as long as ledger plugins correctly reject multiple transfers with the same id)

Kind: inner method of createSender
Returns: Promise.<String> - Resolves with the condition fulfillment

Param Type Description
paymentParams PaymentParams Respose from quoteRequest

createSender~stopListening() ⇒ Promise.<null>

Disconnect from the ledger and stop listening for events.

Kind: inner method of createSender
Returns: Promise.<null> - Resolves when the sender is disconnected.

Receiver~createReceiver(opts) ⇒ Receiver

Returns an ILP Receiver to create payment requests, listen for incoming transfers, and automatically fulfill conditions of transfers paying for the payment requests created by the Receiver.

Kind: inner method of Receiver

Param Type Default Description
opts._plugin LedgerPlugin Ledger plugin used to connect to the ledger, passed to ilp-core
opts Object Plugin parameters, passed to ilp-core
[opts.client] ilp-core.Client create a new instance with the plugin and opts ilp-core Client, which can optionally be supplied instead of the previous options
[opts.hmacKey] Buffer crypto.randomBytes(32) 32-byte secret used for generating request conditions
[opts.defaultRequestTimeout] Number 30 Default time in seconds that requests will be valid for
[opts.allowOverPayment] Boolean false Allow transfers where the amount is greater than requested
[opts.roundingMode] String Round request amounts with too many decimal places, possible values are "UP", "DOWN", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN" as described in https://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#constructor-properties
[opts.connectionTimeout] Number 10 Time in seconds to wait for the ledger to connect

createReceiver~getAddress() ⇒ String

Get ILP address

Kind: inner method of createReceiver

createReceiver~createRequest() ⇒ Object

Create a payment request

Kind: inner method of createReceiver

Param Type Default Description
params.amount String Amount to request. It will throw an error if the amount has too many decimal places or significant digits, unless the receiver option roundRequestsAmounts is set
[params.account] String client.getAccount() Optionally specify an account other than the one the receiver would get from the connected plugin
[params.id] String uuid.v4() Unique ID for the request (used to ensure conditions are unique per request)
[params.expiresAt] String 30 seconds from now Expiry of request
[params.data] Object Additional data to include in the request
[params.roundingMode] String receiver.roundingMode Round request amounts with too many decimal places, possible values are "UP", "DOWN", "HALF_UP", "HALF_DOWN" as described in https://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#constructor-properties

createReceiver~listen() ⇒ Promise.<null>

Listen for incoming transfers and automatically fulfill conditions for transfers corresponding to requests this receiver created.

Kind: inner method of createReceiver
Returns: Promise.<null> - Resolves when the receiver is connected
Emits: incoming, incoming:requestid

createReceiver~stopListening() ⇒ Promise.<null>

Disconnect from the ledger and stop listening for events.

Kind: inner method of createReceiver
Returns: Promise.<null> - Resolves when the receiver is disconnected.


IncomingTransfer from the ledger plugin and the fulfillment string

Kind: event emitted by Receiver


IncomingTransfer from the ledger plugin and the fulfillment string for a specific request

Kind: event emitted by Receiver


ILP client for browsers/Node.js


Language:JavaScript 100.0%