vhbelvadi / obsidian-typography

Minor typographic improvements to the default Obsidian theme

Repository from Github https://github.comvhbelvadi/obsidian-typographyRepository from Github https://github.comvhbelvadi/obsidian-typography


Minor typographic improvements to the default Obsidian theme

How to use this file

Copy the obsidian-typography.css file to .obsidian/snippets in your Obsidian vault. Alternatively, open your vault in Obsidian and click the folder icon at the bottom of the Preferences > Appearance section under ‘CSS snippets’ and copy the obsidian-typography.css file into the folder specified there.

NB Do not forget to activate the snippet by toggling it on under Preferences > Appearance section under ‘CSS snippets’. If you cannot see the file, hit the refresh button.


  • Pull requests welcome
  • Usage is tested and recommended with the default theme
  • This file may work with other themes but this is not guaranteed
  • Improvements are typeface agnostic for robustness


Minor typographic improvements to the default Obsidian theme

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:CSS 100.0%