This project is outdated and no longer maintained, I can't find time to do what should be done here. Really sorry, if someone wants to maintain it, tell me, I accept to transfer ownership, or even without asking me, fork it...
This vue 2 plugin is a wrapper for the script needed to do client side operations with Google APIs and Google authentication.
The plugin loads the Google API client library script dynamically, and append it to the document's head, without need to manually edit index.html
file. This makes the gapi
object accessible at window.gapi
and you can do with it all the operations described in the Google client library for Javascript documentation.
But more than this, it also exposes the $gapi
object through the Vue prototype, accessible from everywhere via Vue.$gapi
, or via this.$gapi
from within a component. $gapi
encapsulate the gapi
object and simplifies its operations by automatically doing loadings and initializations when needed, chaining the transitional results through a promises chain and always returns the expected result (or error) in a promise, to respect the asynchronous nature of the Google APIs and authentication processes.
The plugin also globally registers a GoogleSigninBtn
component which is a 'Signin with Google' button in the respect of the Google's guidelines for it.
yarn add vue-google-api
Then, in the file where you instantiate vue.js (generally main.js
) :
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueGoogleApi from 'vue-google-api'
const config = {
apiKey: 'your_api_key',
clientId: '',
scope: 'space_separated_scopes',
discoveryDocs: [ list_of_discoverydocs_urls ]
Vue.use(VueGoogleApi, config)
is an object containing the API key, the client Id, the authorization scope and optionally the discovery docs as described in the Google API Client reference. You can learn how to obtain these parameters in the Google API Guides / Get started page.
In normal usage, $gapi
cares, when a final method is requested, to do all the intermediate stuff that is needed, such as loading parts of the client (commonly client
and auth2
), initializing them and performing required checks. It then returns a fulfilled promise containing the requested result in cas eof success, or a rejected promise in case of error, eventually containing various explanations about what happened.
Returns through an always resolved promise a boolean indicating if a user is actually signed in or not.
.then(result => {
console.log(result ? 'Signed in' : 'Signed out')
Returns through an always resolved promise the current user in a readable format if one is connected, or null
if no user is connected.
.then(user => {
if (user) {
console.log('Signed in as %s',
} else {
console.log('No user is connected.')
The user object corresponds to the Google User Basic Profile informations, but in a friendly format :
id: google_user_identifier,
name: full_name,
firstname: given_name,
lastname: family_name,
image: user_thumbnail_url,
email: email_address
Starts an Oauth2 sign in process. It will open the Google authentification popup where the user will be prompted to identify, with a prefilled profile if the browser was already connected the the Google account. It could be followed by a password request and / or a captcha request, and then by another popup where the user has to authorize the application if it has never been done and depending on the application requested scope.
If the user completes the authentication procedure (generally by just clicking his profile), the method returns a fulfilled promise containing the signed in user, with the same format than from $gapi.currentUser()
If anything goes wrong (for example if the user closes the authentication popup without signing in), the method returns a rejected Promise with an object containing an error
property explaining what's wrong :
.then(user => {
console.log('Signed in as %s',
.catch(err => {
console.error('Not signed in: %s', err.error)
Disconnects the signed in user from the application. Returns an empty resolved promise when it's done.
.then(() => {
console.log('User disconnected.')
Makes a generic request to one of the several Google's APIs endpoint, as specified in the Google API Client Reference. Only the path
property is mandatory, all the other ones are optional. Depending of several things and the authorizations the user has granted to the application, the method responds by a resolved promise containing the response, or a reject one containing a structure where informations on why it has failed can be found.
path: ',emailAddresses',
method: 'GET',
params: {
personFields: 'names,emailAddresses'
}).then(response => {
To find and use Google's APIs endpoints, please refer to each API documentation, this is not the purpose of this Readme.
The plugin registers globally a Google Sign In button, respecting the Google's guidelines for such an element :
The component re-emits its native click event as a vue click event to handle it the way you want. It also re-emits its keypress.enter as he same click event.
It optionally takes two attributes:
: Sets the text displayed in the button. Defaults to "Signin in with Google"custom-class
: A class name which overrides the default rendering of the button. The default styling includes two additional nested classes:span.icon
, that also can be redefined cascading the custom class.
<google-signin-btn label="Sign In" customClass="my-button" @click="signin">
.my-button {
background-color: #eee;
.my-button span.text {
color: red;
The methods seen above automatically calls and wait for intermediate methods that loads the required parts of the client and initialize what is needed. The wrapper always check if the required object need to be loaded or is already present, and need to be initialized or not, and acts in consequence.
But if you need, for special purposes, to directly access these intermediate methods and their results, they are all exposed prefixed by an underscore: _
Loads the gapi global object and returns it through a promise. If it has already been loaded, directly resolves the promise without reloading it:
.then(gapi => {
console.log('gapi object :', gapi)
This object is exactly the base object where lives all the methods explained in the Google API Client Javascript Library reference, and you can perform on it all the operations they describe.
Loads a gapi sub library by its name (for example client
or auth2
). It makes an internal call to $gapi._load()
so gapi
is previously loaded if it hasn't been done. It returns through a promise the sub library itself. If the sub library has already been loaded, it doesn't reload it and resolves immediately. If it hasn't already been done, the sub library have to be initialized.
.then(auth2 => {
return auth2.init(this.$gapi.config)
Vue.$gapi._libraryInit('lib', [ config ])
Initializes the specified library with an application config. As usual, loads gapi
if needed and loads the library if needed too by an internal call to _libraryLoad
The config parameter is an object containing optional API key, Client Id, etc., as discussed in the plugin installation, but can be different here if you need a special config for a particular API call. If this optional parameter is omitted, the library will be initialized with the config passed down at the installation process (Vue.use(VueGoogleApi, config)
). If one of its sub-properties is omitted, it wil be replaced by this base config same property value.
The method returns, through a promise, the initialized library, ready to be used for API calls for example.
One example of overriding the application API config is for example to grab in the client library particular methods to call one or more precise Google APIs by furnishing the DiscoveryDoc for that API:
this.$gapi._libraryInit('client', { discoveryDocs: [ '$discovery/rest' ]})
.then(client => {
return client.people.people.get({
'resourceName': 'people/me',
'requestMask.includeField': 'person.names'
}).then(response => {
Even if you didn't completed the discoveryDocs property at the plugin installation time, you'll get a client with the people API facility. You can also give for different APIs different clientIds and apiKeys if you want to track hits from different Google Cloud accounts or projects for example.
Clone the project, cd into it and install dependencies:
(if you don't use yarn, you can replace yarn
commands by npm run
git clone ""
cd vue-google-api
yarn install
Then create at the root of the project a .env.local file with your own Google application identifiers like this :
You can also add a VUE_APP_DISCOVERYDOCS key / value if you need.
This file will not be versionned by git and will remain local in your computer.
Otherwise you can modify the main.js
file to directly introduce these values if you don't want to use a .env file.
Then you can work with the project, with the following commands:
- Compiles and hot-reloads for development:
yarn serve
- Compiles and minifies for production:
yarn build
- Run tests:
yarn test
- Lints and fixes files:
yarn lint
and its children contains a basic Google authentication layout, with a component presenting the user if one is signed in or a signin button otherwise.
The plugin index.js
file is at the project's root, and the gapi wrapper is located at core/GAPI.js