vernig / twilio-taskrouter-agent-frontend

Proof of concept for Agent call transfer using Twilio TaskRouter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Agent interface for Twilio TaskRouter

This repo is a very basic user interface to perform some operations on TaskRouter using TaskRouterJS.

What is implemented so far is:

  • Toggle worker status (available / unavailable)
  • Interact with tasks / reservations (accept, complete)
  • Transfer a voice call to another agent (see more below)

Set-up incoming call handler (Studio Flow)

  • Create a new Studio Flow
  • Add an enqueue widget and connect it to "incoming call"
  • In the propery of the widget set:
    • Queue or Task Router Task: TaskRouter Task
    • Task Router Workspace: your workspace
    • Task Router Workflow: your workflow
    • Task Attributes (JSON): {"target_worker_name": "<name of the main agent>"}
  • Save and Publish the Flow
  • Go to the Phone Numbers section of the console
  • Click on the number
  • In the "A Call Comes in" set "Studio Flow" and select the studio flow you just created

Start server

  • Rename .env.template to .env
  • Fill in values for:
    • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SECRET: this is the Twilio account auth token
    • TWILIO_TR_WORKSPACE_SID: this is your Twilio Taskrouter Workspace id
    • TWILIO_API_KEY and TWILIO_API_SECRET: this is the API key/secret used to enable voice client. create a new API key/secret here
    • AGENT2_NAME: (optional for the transfer use case) The name of the Agent to transfer the call 2 if none is provided
  • Install dependencies:
npm install
  • Start server
npm start

Simple Voice Call

Additional setup

Make sure you have a worker with contact_uri in the attributes:

  "contact_uri": "client:xxxx"

Grab the worker sid of the worker and then open the following url on your browser: http://localhost:3000/worker.html?workerSid=. If everything is set-up correctly you should be seeing the "Voice Client controls" (both buttons greyed out).


  • Make a call to the number you configured above. A new reservation is created for your agent.
  • Click on "Accept"
  • Your browser will start to ring
  • Click on "Answer Call" to accept the call
  • Now you will be connected with the other peers in a conference


Proof of concept for Agent call transfer using Twilio TaskRouter

Additional Setup

In order for this proof of concept to work, you need to setup a workflow in Taskrouter:

  • Have two workers (Agent1 and Agent2). For each of them make sure that (at least) the following attributes are defined:
  • where:
    • <phone_number>: is the phone number of the Agent1 (in this demo we use real phones, but the same can be achieved with sofphone and using the Twilio Voice SDK)
    • : Name of the worker.
  • Note down the Workers' SIDs and their names (i.e. worker_name) because you need them in the following steps
  • Define a new workflow (or change the existing one) adding two filters:
  • The first one has:
    • Matching task: target_worker_name != "any"
    • Worker expression: task.target_worker_name == worker.worker_name
  • The second one has
    • Matching task: 1==1
  • To ensure the incoming call are routed to Agent1, change the IVR that create a task when a calls comes in, to make sure the new task created has attributes {"worker_name": "<name_of_agent1>"}


This proof of concept makes use of routing based on worker name. The flow is the following:

  • A call comes in and a new task is created and assigned to Agent1
  • Agent1 use the [Accept] button on his web page to accept the call and create a conference with the customer
  • Once the conference is established, the Agent1 can use the [Transfer to Agent2] button to transfer the call
  • This operation will:
    • Create a new task with woker_name attribute set to Agent2 name
    • Remove Agent1 from the conference
  • Agent2 can now click on [Accept] tojoin the conference already established between Agent1 and the customer
  • Agent1 (that is no longer in the call) can now wrap-up and complete the task





  • Open (at least) two browser tabs on:
  • Call the phone number from a phone
  • When the call comes in, a new resewrvations appear on the Agent1 page
  • Press the [Accept] button, and a new call to the Agent1 phone is placed
  • A new button [Transfer] will appear on the Agent1 screen
  • Click the [Transfer] button, and when prompted type the name of the Agent 2 in the popup
  • A new task is created and reserved to Agent2
  • Agent1 gets removed from the conference (this steps can be postponed to ensure warm transfering)
  • A new reservation is added to the Agent2 page and a [Accept] button appears on Agent2 page
  • Click the [Accept] button on Agent2 page
  • A new call is established with Agent2 phone and he can now talk to the customer


Proof of concept for Agent call transfer using Twilio TaskRouter


Language:JavaScript 88.0%Language:HTML 12.0%