vergenzt / runcached

Easily re-output cached stderr/stdout from shell commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Utility to run shell commands with output caching.

usage: runcached [-h] [--ttl DURATION] [--keep-failures] [--include-stdin]
                 [--exclude-stdin] [--include-env VAR[,...]] [--passthru-env VAR[,...]]
                 [--exclude-env VAR[,...]] [--shell] [--no-shell] [--shlex] [--no-shlex]
                 [--strip-colors] [--no-strip-colors] [--quiet] [--verbose]
                 COMMAND [ARGS ...]

Runs the given command with caching of stdout and stderr.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Max length of time for which to cache command results. Format:
               [default: 1d]
  --keep-failures, -F   Cache run results that exit non-zero. Does not cache these
                        results by default.
  --include-stdin, -i   Include stdin when computing cache key. Defaults to true if
                        stdin is not a TTY. If stdin is included, stdin will be read
                        until EOF before executing anything.
  --exclude-stdin, -I   Exclude stdin when computing cache key. Overrides -i.
  --include-env VAR[,...], -e VAR[,...]
                        Include named environment variable(s) when running command and
                        when computing cache key. Separate with commas or spaces. Escape
                        separators with shell-style quoting. May assign new value with
                        VAR=value, or forward existing value by simply naming VAR.
                        Wildcards allowed when declaring without assignment. Aggregates
                        across all -e options.
  --passthru-env VAR[,...], -p VAR[,...]
                        Pass named environment variable(s) through to command without
                        caching them. Same format as -e. Any assignments override values
                        from -e. Aggregates across all -p options. [defaults:
  --exclude-env VAR[,...], -E VAR[,...]
                        Do not pass named environment variable(s) through to command,
                        nor include them when computing cache key. Same format as -e and
                        -p except assignments are disallowed. Aggregates across all -E
                        options, and overrides -e and -p.
  --shell, -s           Pass command to $SHELL for execution. [default: False]
  --no-shell, -S        Do not pass command to $SHELL for execution. Overrides -s.
  --shlex, -l           Re-quote command line args before passing to $SHELL. Only used
                        if shell is true. [default: False]
  --no-shlex, -L        Do not re-quote command line args before passing to $SHELL. You
                        may need to embed additional quoting ensure the shell correctly
                        interprets the command.
  --strip-colors, -C    Strip ANSI escape sequences when printing cached output.
                        Defaults to true if stdout is not a TTY.
  --no-strip-colors, -c
                        Do not strip ANSI escape sequences when printing cached output.
                        Overrides -C.
  --quiet, -q           Set log level to warnings only.
  --verbose, -v         Set log level to debug.

Prior Art


Easily re-output cached stderr/stdout from shell commands


Language:Python 100.0%